Time out while downloading OTA Guide

These errors are reoccurring. Also my RAM usage is higher than normal (20% Vs 9%), Anyone have any thoughts as to what may be the cause of the time outs? I'm running ChannelsDVR on a Synology NAS.

2024/12/12 09:43:19.524723 [DVR] Fetching guide data for 106 stations in USA-OTA32819 @ 2024-12-12 9:30PM

2024/12/12 09:43:29.525999 [WRN] Retrying guide data request in 20s due to timeout

There are 2 likely reasons:

  1. The server with the guide data is down or slow
  2. You have network issues

The first is out of everyone's hands and only time will fix. The second could point to your provider or other network settings being less than optimal (which generally means DNS, but not always ... just usually).

That's the new normal.
It used to just fail, now it retries.

Log from one of my servers

2024/01/04 09:15:05.243650 [WRN] Retrying guide data request in 20s due to timeout
2024/05/25 22:57:58.444082 [WRN] Retrying guide data request in 20s due to timeout
2024/05/25 23:04:33.099697 [WRN] Retrying guide data request in 20s due to timeout
2024/05/25 23:05:36.779032 [WRN] Retrying guide data request in 20s due to timeout
2024/05/25 23:06:09.067828 [WRN] Retrying guide data request in 20s due to timeout
2024/06/14 09:15:39.723244 [WRN] Retrying guide data request in 20s due to timeout
2024/07/24 09:19:31.294236 [WRN] Retrying guide data request in 20s due to timeout
2024/08/24 10:33:49.484451 [WRN] Retrying guide data request in 20s due to http response 500
2024/09/27 09:14:28.058976 [WRN] Retrying guide data request in 20s due to timeout
2024/10/02 09:29:26.235672 [WRN] Retrying guide data request in 20s due to timeout
2024/10/10 09:47:25.897294 [WRN] Retrying guide data request in 20s due to timeout
2024/10/23 09:49:29.643407 [WRN] Retrying guide data request in 20s due to timeout
2024/11/03 09:20:23.125945 [WRN] Retrying guide data request in 20s due to timeout
2024/11/06 09:21:49.082770 [WRN] Retrying guide data request in 20s due to timeout
2024/11/22 09:15:22.711197 [WRN] Retrying guide data request in 20s due to timeout

Unless you're getting a lot of them per day, it's just some intermittent transient issues that are solved by the retries.

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