TiviMate Users - Channel Number Issue

This was a manual process. Sorry my description was too ambiguous. I did the following:

  1. Exported the m3u from Channels DVR
  2. Edited the m3u (by hand, in a text editor) to rearrange the channels in the order I wanted.
  3. Edited (by hand) the group-title to match what was setup in Channels DVR Collections.

I ended up writing a python script that does the m3u manipulation. Too much work doing it manually.


That makes sense. Thank you for the clear explanation.

Can anyone point me to a good resouce for TiviMate usage/setup? I've got it running but lots of questions on how to customize, get PIP working, etc. Is there a good website where one can pickup that type of info?




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Quick question - did you delete any channels from the m3u file? Reason for my question is that I want to strip down the channels (I have over 500, many redundant from Xfinity). I can see how to do that manipulating the m3u file but the epg data is dynamic so I can't edit it - I need to Channels served file. Do channels in guide need to match those in epg or can they be unsync'd?

Yes, I remove quite a few channels. No need to worry about the guide data, it doesn't impact anything. Tivimate automatically synced the m3u to guide data for me.

Great. Thanks!

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I have been using TiviMate with the above playlist formats for m3u & EPG from DVR user @mike_here with great success. The only drawback I am having is in TiviMate the guide data is only for the 6 hours. I am getting 2 weeks worth of guide data in the Channels client and am wondering why that's the case.

I would appreciate if anyone knows if there's a toggle or function in the Channels DVR server or a setting in TiviMate I need to turn on in order to get the same amount of guide data from Channels over to TiviMate.

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The /devices/DeviceID/guide/xmltv endpoint can take parameters:

  • duration – Amount of time (in seconds) to include in the XMLTV; I believe default is 21600, which is 6 hours
  • time – Time (in epoch seconds) to begin the guide data

For more, see here:


Didn't realize it was posted somewhere else before. Thank you for pointing out. Just tried it and is working.

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What device are you using for Tivimate? I am using a 4k fire stick and am getting errors anytime I try to view more than 4 streams at once. Would love to see more once football season rolls around

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You will probably need something more powerful like an Apple TV.

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Is Tivimate available for Apple TV or is there a different app to use? I also have an Apple TV.

I have (2) Nvidia Shields running Tivimate and the multiscreen setup. Works flawlessly.

I've had as many 9 streams going at the same time without issue. Shield (2019) and Ethernet connected.

How do I export m3U? I'm lost

In Tivimate you have to load your your playlist (source) and EPG data from your channels server.

The below shows you the proper links to add (replace DVRIP with your machines IP Address):

I just happen to read this while perusing the chats. I have both Channels DVR and Tivimate. I am a bit confused why you would want to use them together. Channels DVR does an outstanding job as a stand alone provider. You can pause, rewind, record and anything you place in Tivimate you can place in the Channels add custom and use it there.

I use Tivimate only for watching movies because it doesn't use storage and I have a 1TB on my pc for storing recorded shows and movies that simply delete after watching. So my question is why the two applications for viewing when in my humble opinion Channels DVR is far superior to Tivimate in this type of daily use?


Multi-view. TVIMate is the best android app for watching multiple screens at once (I can run 9 concurrently on nVidia shield). Great for football season and March Madness in my house.