Toggle last channel

I am not sure if it was with the 5.8 upgrade or exactly when, but I am noticing different behavior when I try to go between my last 2 channels.

I have a sofabaton remote and I have a button configured that I believe corresponds to a Live TV button. Anyway, it mostly served me as a way I could toggle between my last 2 channels. Today if I use the guide or type in the numbers for a channel it will still do this function. However, if I use the channel up and down buttons it seems to lose what channel it was last on. For example, if I use the guide or type in channel 4 then type channel 5 I can repeatedly hit the button and it will go back and forth between channels 4 and 5. If I am on channel 4 and use the channel up button to go to channel 5 I cannot toggle back and forth. In the very recent past I could do this. And furthermore, if I hit channel up quickly in succession ... lets say from 4 to 7 I could then toggle between 4 and 7.

I know this is not a huge deal and I can live with it, but I certainly liked it better the way it was. Anyone else see this? Anyone else care, lol?

This is probably fall out from the changes that brought the Recent Channels addition.

We’ll check it out.

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This was resolved in the last TestFlight beta:

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