Transcoding control?

Yes we have a number of users still on Win7 that are able to transcode. Given that the EOL is less than a month away I'm not sure how much more effort we're going to put into Win7 specific issues, but I can try a simple fix later this week which could help.

Well, I respect that. I believe Win 7 is a solid option for many years to come, but I do understand your position.

Are there any other users that are successfully h/w encoding without a discrete vid card in Win 7 that would care to chime in?

Does anyone know if Win 7 is actually offering some form of paid support significantly beyond one month from now? I don't know if Channels DVR is willing to support it, but just wondering.

Not that I know of.

Microsoft ended mainstream support for Windows 7 in January 2015, with extended support running till 14 January 2020 .

Microsoft won't provide technical support, software updates, security updates, and fixes after January 14, 2020

Starting on January 15, 2020, a full-screen notification will appear that describes the risk of continuing to use Windows 7 Service Pack 1 after it reaches end of support on January 14, 2020. The notification will remain on the screen until you interact with it.

Well, I guess there must not be any extended paid support of Win 7. In any event, if Channels DVR chooses not to continue support for Win 7, that's certainly your prerogitive.