Tubi for Channels docker


replace serverip with the IP of the machine hosting the docker.

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So i'm on the same computer so everything is local, but when I use the same IP address that my compter is..same deal unable to connect.

Can't find this on DockerHub. Will you be putting it up there soon? I want to add this to my Synolgy NAS and it's easiest from DockerHub. Thanks for the great work!

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Thinking out loud: could there be another docker that uses the same port 7777 so you would have a port conflict?

I believe gomez had Plex using 7777

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Trying to manage more than a few Docker containers via the command line can be frustrating, and error-prone. At my count today there are at least 18 container-based projects that one might want to run with Channels.

I'd highly suggest you install Portainer, either from the command line, or it's available as an extension for the various flavors of Docker Desktop. This should help you get a handle on what's happening with your Docker environment. It does a great job of turning chaos to order. :slight_smile:

Here's how you'd spin up Portainer from the command line:

docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -p 9000:9000 -p 9443:9443 --name portainer \
    --restart=always \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    -v portainer_data:/data \

After that, navigate to http://<docker-host>:9000 or https://<docker-host>:9443 to set your username and password. From there, the world of containers is yours to command:



I know squat about using docker compose ... but I do have portainer installed. Is there any instructions you know I can read to get started. ?

In Portainer-Stacks there's an editor, paste your docker-compose in there. After that go to the environment variables section just below that, and click on "Advanced mode" where you'll be able to paste in any environment variables. Modify the variables to suit your setup, either in Advanced or Simple mode. When you have those two sections to your satisfaction, click "Update the stack".

Go to Portainer-Containers to see what's running -- on what ports. Portainer-Images will let you delete outdated images you have hanging around. To pull an updated container, stop its stack, and go back into the editor. Make any changes (if needed), and click "Update the stack" followed by clicking the re-pull and re-deploy slider. That's about it!

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Do you have multiple containers? is another using port 7777 already - all of my containers use 7777 by default. Could probably change defaults on all to avoid conflicts but for now they all start by default that way...Need to remap that port to an unused one with either

  1. -p option
  2. -e TUBI_PORT and network=host option

Thanks easy enough ... I am sure others will also find this useful ... going to start with OliveTin

I am ok I use 7778 for TUBI.

Actually I’m moving away from Docker Hub in preference for GitHub as it allows me to better manage the source code plus can create the containers for both linux amd64 as well as arm64

This is working great! Thanks @joagomez!

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I'm running into the same problems as others: http server started on [::]:7777 and not able to connect with localhost, or actual IPv4 address to the port.
I've tried docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --network=host -e TUBI_PORT=7070 --name tubi-for-channels ghcr.io/jgomez177/tubi-for-channels
I've tried: docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -p 8184:80 --name tubi-for-channels ghcr.io/jgomez177/tubi-for-channels
Going to that port (I am on localhost) gets me a big fat connection refused.

I have had no issue in the past loading up several other containers.
Just in case of conflicts I did delete the Xumu and Distro containers as the they were in that 7777 area, then deleted and recreate the Tubi container, and restarte Docker engine to no avail.

Any ideas?

Note to anyone with the same issue - go to the Github site. There appears to be updated install strings and much more documentation than in this thread. I got the docker running.

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I know you said you got it up and running, but just wanted to highlight in case anyone else is troubleshooting that it should be -p 8184:7777 or -p 7070:7777, whatever port you want on the left, 7777 on the right.

Yep, here's the goods from there (at the time of this writing):

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -p [your_port_number_here]:7777 --name  tubi-for-channels ghcr.io/jgomez177/tubi-for-channels:latest
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This worked for me on Windows 10.

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -p 7781:7777 --name tubi-for-channels ghcr.io/jgomez177/tubi-for-channels

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When running the Tubi Docker the command should be as follows.
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --network=host -e TUBI_PORT=7781 --name tubi-for-channels ghcr.io/jgomez177/tubi-for-channels:latest


For those who want to run natively (preferrably for those who are on windows and don't want to mess with WSL):

git clone GitHub - jgomez177/tubi-for-channels
cd tubi-for-channels
pip install -r requirements.txt
python pywsgi.py

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The Tubi EPG does not appear to be working anymore on my end.

EDIT: Looking in the EPG, all the programs are from four days ago.