Will they add a linear channel so we can watch w/Channels DVR, or will it just be a link on their homepage?
Working again and so is Search on their website.
I'm wondering the same thing too.
Sorry if I'm just being incredibly dense here... Currently running v3.00b. Everything in terms of integration with Channels 'seems' fine. I put in my Tubi creds when installing the new release, but I'm not sure if they were accepted correctly (no user feedback that I can see at least). My username is an email address, and my pass is a secure 20 digit phrase with multiple '-'s in it (i.e. skdmdd-owwndd-sksjsk ), but no special characters.
In the Channels guide, I see a total of 172 channels found (139 for Gracenote, 33 without). When I check the guide for Sunday, I don't see anything Super Bowl-related listed. Is this event just not currently listed?
Thanks for all your excellent work on these images!
As far as I can tell, Tubi is going to broadcast the SB on a live 4K stream that is not associated with any of their pre-assigned channels, and therefor will not appear in the guide. If my assumption is correct, we will not be able to pass the 4K stream through Channels.
I will be rechecking things later this afternoon. If anyone discovers any additional information, please post it here.
I believe that @TV_Ken is correct.
I think that we have the answer to @chDVRuser's question:
What it looks like right now: a link on their homepage.
Version 3.00c - Fast and dirty
Added playlist for Super Bowl LIX channels
Still working on adding EPG data - stay tuned
I just checked and see that on the NFL Channel starting at 6:29 pm Eastern Time there is "NFL Game Center Live". Not sure if this is it, or if it is in 4K.
Got what I could pull as far as EPG - Unfortunately the start times and end times are for all day
I'm getting a 4K feed into Channels using VLC Bridge Fubo tuned to Fox Sports 4K. I know that this does not help people with Tubi, but is does prove that it is possible to receive and record 4K in Channels.
You should take the screenshots out of the formatted text block.
thanks! I was looking in the original playlist originally.
all good now
Thank you so much for all your efforts and for what you're doing for the community!
I have updated to version 3.00d and am seeing the event in the Channels guide. This is truly awesome!!
FYI, to be able to add these channels, you will need to create a new (or modify your existing) custom source, with the links from the updated version of this docker.
Currently tuning into the two available streams in Channels on my MacBook Pro yields only 1080p resolution however. Hopefully this will switch to UHD once the real pregame stuff begins pretty shortly:
Yes, but for some reason I wasn't able to submit any photos, either from upload or link options... I guess it was because I was trying to edit a post rather than creating from scratch. So I deleted the old post and created anew
My Tubi Channels dropped drastically with this new release.
Down to 54 with gracenote id.
yeah i don't see anything for 4k in the API outputs so unsure if it will be 4K, however looking at my local affiliate they are currently in 1080 so we will see
as has been the case up to the Super Bowl they are making changes on the fly which also impacts their API
[WARNING] Tubi is experiencing technical issues. You're on a degraded experience now.
[INFO] Number of streams available: 273
For anyone wanting to use a gracenote ID for the SuperBowl - you can use FS4K1, 111003
Wild stuff
On Tubi app on nvidia shield I’m getting 4k with hdr10
Tubi app on Apple TV…no hdr probably no 4k
TUBI App -4K 5.1 sound. Channel 1080P Stereo sound.
However, could record Tubi and of course 720P feed OTA.
Thanks joagomez. I think the docker project was easy and worked well.