Tubi for Channels docker

I found a work around since the GraceNote ID's are mostly right ... What I did was add a Tubi Gracenote M3U and another with everything .... I disable all the Channels on the one that has everything... so If I run across a show that has the Wrong GraceNote ID ... I simply disable it and enable in the M3u that has everything. This way all the Movie Channels are defined as movies and do not get picked up as TVShows.

That's not a bad idea. I'll try that, too. Hopefully, the channel which was being problematic for me will have the right guide data in the "everything" M3U.

Yeah I was trying to record NIKITA and La Femme NIKITA the grace note guide data was off the evrything on was ok and also had the Season and episodes correct.



I hear ya, The channel I was having trouble with is "The Carol Burnett Show". I never could get the epg to match up. With this change, it matches perfectly. I also used the same method to fix the same problem with gracenote mis-matches in the Plex docker epg. :+1:

Thanks I also just fixed Carol Burnett Show.

I am curious as to what EPG and Gracenote means? Which setup will work the best with a full guide and channels?

TUBI Gracenote Playlist will supply Gracenote guide data (same as what Channels DVR uses) for the channels that @joagomez has mapped to Gracenote stations id's.
TUBI EPG Only Playlist will supply guide data from Tubi for the channels that aren't mapped to Gracenote guide data in the TUBI Gracenote Playlist.
If you run the frndly TV docker, you're familiar with using two Channels DVR custom M3U sources. One for Gracenote guide data channels and the other for frndly TV guide data channels.

In any case, you would use the TUBI EPG (epg.xml ) or TUBI EPG GZ (epg.xml.gz) that supplies guide data for all channels from Tubi.

I find some channels in the TUBI Gracenote Playlist are mapped to the wrong station id, so the guide info doesn't match what is airing. So I have one source setup that uses the TUBI playlist.m3u and the TUBI EPG epg.xml.


One thing that TUBI XML none Gracenote is that it does not categorize movies ... so movie recordings go in the TV folder when recorded.

You just solved a great mystery for me. Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face: