So I recently upgraded from my old AppleTV HD to a new 4k, experience has been amazing, Channels runs so smooth and fast now One thing I am noticing is when changing channels quickly through quick guide or last channel, I am getting a tuner conflict message that is resolved with another press of the play button. In this case I only have one tuner available for watching live since I am recording something with the other tuner.
I notice this only happens when I have tuner sharing set to 'On'. If I turn tuner sharing off I am able to switch between channels with no issue. Of course the issue is not present when I have two tuners available as it just switches to the other tuner when masking a quick channel change.
Has anyone else seen something similar? It almost seems like things are working so much faster now with the new Apple TV, everything in the system over wired ethernet, etc., that the channel change request is happening faster than the HDHomerun has released the tuner, but if this was the case, not sure why it would work with tuner sharing off but not with tuner sharing on. Any ideas?
I submitted logs from the AppleTV at around 7:15pm MST for both the case when tuner sharing is off and on.
My setup is latest pre-release server running on Ubuntu PC over wired GbE, latest AppleTV 4K over wired GbE, HDhomerun HDHR4-2US w/ latest firmware from 7/2023.