TVE Channels on 12/05 Software

Or just give them half a second to fix the issue.


Though the timing is suspicious, this issue does not appear to be related to the software update.

As far as we can tell, there is some kind of DNS/CDN issue affecting some people trying to connect into the TVE system. We are looking into some kind of workaround.

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Please try the latest pre-release and let us know if it resolves the issue for you.

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This is helpful.

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Worked for me. Running the latest on macOS

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The prerelease worked for me on Synology with Spectrum

This prerelase also works for me.

BTW, is Longhorn (6145) still available as I thought it closed down?

Thank you for all the hard work!

12/7 update worked for me, Optimum. Thanks

Pre-release also worked for me, server on Unraid docker using Spectrum.

That worked for me too!!

I'm using Win10 and Apple box..... all good!!

THANK YOU for getting this resolved so quickly! You guys rock!!

What does it show when you select Rescan Channels on your TVE source?

Longhorn did cease operations on June 30th 2024.

Sounds like the developers need to add Longhorn 6145 to the "waiting to be removed" list

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Worked like a charm! Thanks for the quick turnaround on the fix, devs!

new here. for Xfinity.
I know the login is Not my email but my is it then "First" "Last" ?
Like John Smith?

NM.... got it. Create a viewer account. 155 channels coming in :slight_smile:

If your email is then use john.smith as your TVE username.

my issue is I have 2 comcast accounts and johnsmith@hotmail.

all good now.


ok, looks like this is all wrapped up. I'm going to close the thread.

Please open a new one if you have any further issues.