Tvg-shift in ADBTuner m3u having no effect (HGTV)

My provider is YouTube TV and I have added a shift of 3 hours to the HGTV data since it seems to be East Coast time.

The relevant m3u looks like this:

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="56401727058813792745219830808424434624" channel-number="9027" tvc-guide-stationid="49788" tvg-shift="+3",HGTV http://adb-tuner.lan:5592/stream/29

But the guide still shows the old times (even after a 'refresh' of the m3u and re-download of the guide)

tvg-shift is not a supported tag in Channels DVR Server.

Additionally, you shouldn't need to shift TV Everywhere channels like that. You may be using the wrong channel East Coast vs West Coast.

You also don't need to use a shift for west coast feeds, Gracenote has separate entries for them. Map it to HGTVPHD (87317)


You're a lifesaver! That channel didn't show up when i searched for HGTV.. lol.. it's listed as the full Home and Garden Television

When was it removed?

I was wrong, who can keep up!

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