Unable to get remote access from web browers

Windows pc getting login error wrong email or password even though it is correct. Any thoughts?

I’m not sure what you’re doing, but if you’re logged in on this site, then you’re logged in. There’s no where to input a username and password to access Channels.

All auth is done through this site.

Have you just visited https://my.channelsdvr.net ?

This is for my brother in Wisconson, only has pc for access. Have tried WAN IP and get to get auth code he clicks and gets redirected to login page. I don't know that https://my.channelsdvr.net would be recognized without the app which isn't available for Windows.
More then willing to try it if I'm mistaken.

Just tried from my.channelsdvr.net and still getting the same error.

I’m not sure what to say, if the username and password isn’t working, it’s incorrect. I’d suggest you do a password reset.

I'm thinking this indicates some other security layer is in place, one which is unrelated to Channels DVR. Because when my family and I log into Channels DVR, remotely and locally, via my.channelsdvr.net or the iOS/tvOS client app, all we need is the email/username and password. There is no "auth code" or redirection to a login page.

My gut tells me your router has some settings that are getting in the way here. And that your network security is expecting a different authorization for that particular layer. Can he/you share a screenshot of that login page?

This may be of interest, Windows 11 lets you sideload and run Android apps:

This solved it thanks!

Thanks for the heads up. I'm trying to convice him to try BlueStacks as I think he would have a better experiance from the app and be able to customize his own client side channels as he is running Win 10
and not likely to switch to 11 at this time.