Unable to SSH in to Channels

I'm trying to SSH in to my Channels DVR, which worked fine previously, but I've had to reinstall windows and forgot to save the keys so I generated a new RSA pair and used the web interface to paste in the pub key but it won't auth. I tried a couple other options as well, increasing the length as well as using ecdsa, but still the same issues.

Steps to replicate:

  1. Log into web interface and uncheck ssh box
  2. Open WSL (Ubuntu) and run ssh-keygen, defaults and no passphrase
  3. cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub and copy entire string
  4. click the ssh box in the web interface and paste the string into the text box
  5. ssh root@channelsdvr.local -p 22222

"root@channelsdvr.local: Permission denied (publickey)."

I'm sure I'm missing something dumb, but could use some advice. Thanks!

You could try ssh with -vv to verify the correct keys are being offered up. The steps you listed are correct though so it's not clear why it wouldn't work.

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You can also try updating the OS version

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Thanks for getting back so quick @tmm1 I really appreciate it. I was looking through the source docs on the native Pi image and ssh access and came across the note that I could hook up a display to the Pi and access it directly, which totally slipped my mind. I did that and then looked at the authorized_keys file and found the problem. Windows had pasted in some control characters when copying from WSL to the web interface. I stripped them out and just tested and ssh is working again!

Again, thanks for the quick response and sorry for it being something I should've caught before.