Unable to verify Xfinity for TVE

yes. nbc.com/live works with my xfinity credentials.

I tried adding xfinity as a source again and I still see the same error in the logs. It appears to be retrying and getting the same error.

Here is another log entry:

2022/01/21 13:57:18.872556 [TVE] Auth starting for Comcast_SSO as abrahamjerry
2022/01/21 13:57:18.872556 [TVE] action=auth mvpd=Comcast_SSO requestor=nbcentertainment
2022/01/21 13:57:19.107425 [TVE] action=version product=HeadlessChrome/97.0.4692.99 jsVersion= protocol=1.3 revision=@d740da257583289dbebd2eb37e8668928fac5ead
2022/01/21 13:57:19.108160 [TVE] action=mock
2022/01/21 13:57:19.114959 [TVE] action=navigate url=https://sp.auth.adobe.com/adobe-services/authenticate/saml?noflash=true&mso_id=Comcast_SSO&requestor_id=nbcentertainment&no_iframe=true&domain_name=adobe.com&redirect_url=https%3A%2F%2Fsp.auth.adobe.com%2Fadobe-services%2FcompletePassiveAuthentication
2022/01/21 13:57:19.116236 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=https://sp.auth.adobe.com/adobe-services/authenticate/saml
2022/01/21 13:57:21.911675 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=https://oauth.xfinity.com/oauth/authorize
2022/01/21 13:57:22.200385 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=https://login.xfinity.com/login
2022/01/21 13:57:22.200385 [TVE] action=auth_domain domain=login.xfinity.com
2022/01/21 13:57:22.401630 [TVE] action=wait_for_page
2022/01/21 13:57:22.790936 [TVE] action=exception err=&runtime.ExceptionDetails{ExceptionID:1, Text:"Uncaught", LineNumber:371, ColumnNumber:38, ScriptID:"249", URL:"https://login.xfinity.com/static/js/vm-login-form-ad.js", StackTrace:(*runtime.StackTrace)(0xc00067fd80), Exception:(*runtime.RemoteObject)(0xc000375050), ExecutionContextID:2, ExceptionMetaData:easyjson.RawMessage(nil)} value=TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'appendChild')
at buildIFrame (https://login.xfinity.com/static/js/vm-login-form-ad.js:372:39)
at decideMobileOrWeb (https://login.xfinity.com/static/js/vm-login-form-ad.js:257:4)
at Object.init (https://login.xfinity.com/static/js/vm-login-form-ad.js:11:3)
at Sign in to Xfinity

Did you try it on the same PC as where the DVR is running?

Yes, I used the same PC as the DVR for nbc.com/live. Same PC as the DVR when also attempting to add the xfinity TVE source.

I am having the exact same issue, with same error messages.

Same issue! Help Xfinity and ChannelsDVR arent friends right now..

Provider - Xfinity - Channels DVR / TV Everywhere - Channels Community (getchannels.com)

Xfinity (TVE-Comcast_SSO) - context deadline exceeded (Version 2022.01.22.0137) - Channels DVR / Troubleshooting - Channels Community (getchannels.com)

Still having this same issue with latest pre-release. Another log for you

Version 2022.01.24.1846
Logs have been submitted as c016a338-eaf4-4e75-86f0-8f20bdf0ece0


any update my friend or are us xfinity users just dead in the water?

I tried it again this morning and I am still seeing the same problem. I think this a problem on Channels DVR end with xfinity. I am submitting logs to support.

I tried it here and it works for me. Not sure what's going on yet.

Thank you for the update, keep us posted, I will keep trying different things to troubleshoot on my end. If I am successful I will update with logs. Thanks!

Open nbc.com/live in chrome incognito and select xfinity

Enter your username

On the page that asks for password, do file>save and email the file to [email protected]

Just sent, Let me know if that is what you needed. Thanks!

Try next prerelease (v2022.01.24.2211) and resubmit diagnostics

Don't know if it helps, but after Linking Xfinity as the Provider at http://nbc.com/live and logging in, you are presented with this.

Have to click SKIP or click the Live link at top of page to continue.

Updated to latest pre-release. Seems like some progress but Authentication failed even though correct credentials entered.

Logs have been submitted as 2c813d14-80be-4568-ae00-43fce3e5a16d

I highly recommend creating a brand new throwaway Xfinity user account for Channels TV Everywhere login. That usually fixes the login problems and if it ever happens again then just create another throwaway Xfinity user account and delete the previous one.

Same result as Anonymously. I updated to the latest pre-release and verified that I can login using a incognito chrome window on nbc.com/live.

I already created a new throw away, did not fix the issue. But thanks

From what I can tell something is not aligning correctly with Channels script for Xfinity the Username entry script seems to be missing its target resulting in invalid logins. Just my observation for what I can decipher from scripts, but I don't have back end Channels knowledge to know for sure.