Up Next Broken / Continue Watching Needed

Yea, that's likely what happened. We record a lot of shows and often never get around to watching them. Especially when it's a game show like this. The wife requests to record it, and never watches it and then eventually I get approval to delete the unwatched ones when I'm freeing up space.

This is probably part of the reason "Up Next" doesn't work for our habits. I like the idea of a section that shows me the shows I've started and not finished since that happens quite a bit to me. I also like my suggestion to mark which shows I want included in Up Next.

For example, we've been working our way through all three seasons of Narcos over the last month and often it shows up in the "Up Next" section, but often it doesn't. Since that's our main show right now to get through and finish, I would tag that to always be in "Up Next" until we finish it and move onto the next series.

You can do this inside the Show Options. I'm not opposed to adding a "remove from up next" like the TV app has. That would make it easier to curate up next directly instead of having to go into each show.

Gotcha. I'm working on this case. Similar issues can happen if you immediately delete episodes after watching them.

Are you deleting after watching?

If this happens again please submit diagnostics and ping me so I can figure out why its not showing up. (Might already be fixed in the build that just went out).

I guess I wasn't clear, it is in the "Up Next" section, but deep into it... not in the library screen where you see the top 6 entries. If I don't see it in the top 6 entries, then I'm not going to click into and go digging when I can just find it in the library section. So I guess it's usage habits. So many things get moved into the "Up Next" section that the things I want to easily find end up getting pushed deep into it which kind of defeats the purpose.

I see no reason for an "Up Next" section that has 100 entries in it. What purpose does that serve?

Just submitted diagnostics.

I found out that if you don't completely watch at least 1 show from the series (if you stop while there is time left it doesn't count) then it will never appear in up next.

So I only have 1 show now that doesn't appear in up next (the andy griffith show). No matter what I do it doenst show in up next for partial or next episode.

I really wish that we could have continue watching for tv shows and not have them in up next. I know @maddox is adamant that partially watched tv shows belong in up next but I gotta tell you it doesn't compute for me. IMHO up next should be the next episode in the series and continue watching should be anything in process. It would be nice to have a setting to enable tv and/or movies in continue watching. That way you can customize :blush:

I know I'm complaining and these are 1st world problems, channels is still the best dvr software in the world dispite the backwardness of up next/continue watching :grin:

Yea this is another bug. I'll fix it.

Strange, I'll see what I can figure out with the diagnostics.

We have a lot of plans for customization this year, some of which may make this particular feature request unnecessary.

Either way, our preference is to not build new features based on reactions to bugs. Once the bugs are fixed, if people still feel the same, then that's a separate conversation.


I didn't realize I could exclude shows from 'Up Next'. That will help a bit.

What does making a show a 'favorite' do exactly?

Favoriting a show will put it at in a list at the top of the TV Shows section allowing you to get to it a bit faster.

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Fixed in v2022.01.08.0014

The show options for Andy Griffith Show are set to hide from Up Next

Thanks sounds like the last bullet point was a PEBCAK error.

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The case where you delete immediately after watching is fixed in the latest build.

I'm still trying to figure out how to deal with the case where you delete episodes without watching them. The DVR would need to track and remember that you did so, and then ignore the new episode when it showed up.

I've added a few shows to Favorites to try this and didn't see anything different. Maybe because I've been staring at Up Next... Favorites does not affect Up Next at all? Can we get details on how the Up Next view chooses the order?

Tested the latest build today and still looks like when deleting shows it goes to some other order. When we manually set shows to watch in order of oldest to newest, can we make sure Up Next follows this rule?

Maybe there needs to be more choices for show order like Episode Order (not sure which DB this info comes from) in addition to Oldest->Newest so that Oldest->Newest can follow Air Date order?



  • If you start watching a program (or finish an episode of a program), that program will move to the front spot in Up Next.
  • If a program that you have watched airs a new episode (but there are no episodes of that program in your Library), then that program will appear at the beginning of Up Next.