Update Channels Server Version Mac Terminal


Is the latest pre release 2024.01.31.0603 I don't see the export m3u8 and XLM

No it’s v2024.12.27.0121

Why are you trying to update to prerelease via terminal? Just hit the drop-down under settings, status, server information

it's so strange it downloads then goes back to the old.

Refresh the page?

Most likely a permission issue.
I ran into that the first time I used docker for Channels DVR.
On a Synology NAS I had to map /volume1/docker/... directory to /channels-dvr in the container.
It took me a long time to figure that one out.

I would update to latest pre-release, it downloaded it but since the permissions were wrong it couldn't see channel-dvr as an executable, so downloaded and ran the stable release.

I am sure that is it. i am using the channels dvr installer on mac os

The latest stable release is v2024.12.10.0055
The latest pre-release is v2024.12.27.0121
What version is yours running?


Definitely something wrong there.
Have you submitted diagnostics yet?

this is what i am getting when trying to reinstall app
Starting Installer...
Fetching latest version number...
Downloading Channels DVR v2024.12.10.0055 into /Users/xx/Library/Application Support/ChannelsDVR...
Checking file integrity...
Preparing directories...
[ERROR] open /Users/xx/Library/Application Support/ChannelsDVR/latest/version: no such file or directory

I would submit diagnostics, sounds like a permission problem.
I don' use a Mac.

I did. I am now having problems with remote access even though I ported my router to 8090

Channels DVR normally runs on port 8089, not 8090.

I got it running again. Question. when trying to update server i get this 2025/01/04 10:50:36.406507 [SYS] Error checking for update: safety check failed:

Something is blocking Channels DVR from updating.
The developers will need to work with you.

I sent a dig but haven't heard back.

I found where it's downloading files 2024.12.27.0121 2025.01.03.2009 2025.01.05.2037 install.sh uninstall.sh
2025.01.03.0234 2025.01.04.2018 data latest
not sure why it's not installing.

Channels DVR won't install it if its safety check fails

Is there a way to correct that?