Upgrade Show (resolution) Option?

Say I have a Season Pass that records all episodes of a Show (but could be film etc)
Episode gets recorded from an SD channel. Same episode airs at some later date on a HD channel, does or can Channels me made to upgrade the quality of a recording? In this case 540>1080

Would be a really nice feature if so.

I know that I can set a Season Pass to only record from a HD channel, but with some shows they are spread across many channels where I live and locking it down to a single channel would possibly miss the show. But with this option, over the course of a few months or so, my library would eventually get upgraded to HD quality shows, purging the SD ones.

In the same vein, not sure if it already does this, but same logic should apply to any shows that show Recording Interrupted, they should also purge and get replaced, even with same quality. If the second attempt records cleanly, then purge the bad one.

If any of this is already there, then apologies, but couldn't easily find any options.


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It doesn't do it automatically.
You have to schedule yourself and manually confirm later on that the second recording is actually better than the first one. Even though the second recording will be on an HD channel, there might be other issues with it so it still needs to be verified.

I totally agree with everything you said. So much that I made a similar request a while back. :slight_smile:

You can see the reactions to my request. There were valid points.