USB HDMI Capture

@tmm1 Something changed on the server end. I can no longer run the command in cmd to list the devices.

C:\ProgramData\ChannelsDVR\latest\ffmpeg.exe -list_devices true -f dshow -i dummy
Access is denied.

I get the blue pop up " This app can not run on this PC. To find a version for your pc, contact the software publisher."

In the CMD output, it just says "Access Denied"

I ddi try running CMD as Admin, same issue.

I plugged in a different webcam i have, and went to look for the device name, but ran in to this issue.

EDIT: I just copied the ffmpeg and things from the older server backups into a separate folder and path and used that for looking up devices in cmd.

@tmm1 I have not changed anything with my other m3u lines, i just added the new device....yet now, nothing is streaming and the server logs say this.

2025/02/24 13:01:20.571996 [ERR] Failed to start ffmpeg: fork/exec C:\ProgramData\ChannelsDVR\latest\ffmpeg.exe: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
2025/02/24 13:01:20.573141 [TNR] Opened connection to M3U-USBHDMICapture for ch1201 WYZE USB CAM
2025/02/24 13:01:20.573141 [ERR] Error during stream M3U-USBHDMICapture ch1201 WYZE USB CAM: read |0: file already closed
2025/02/24 13:01:20.573141 [TNR] Closed connection to M3U-USBHDMICapture for ch1201 WYZE USB CAM
2025/02/24 13:01:20.573748 [SNR] Buffer statistics for (Apple TV) for ch1201 WYZE USB CAM: buf=0% drop=0%
2025/02/24 13:01:52.206177 [ERR] Failed to start ffmpeg: fork/exec C:\ProgramData\ChannelsDVR\latest\ffmpeg.exe: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
2025/02/24 13:01:52.206177 [TNR] Opened connection to M3U-USBHDMICapture for ch1200 USB Webcam
2025/02/24 13:01:52.206177 [ERR] Error during stream M3U-USBHDMICapture ch1200 USB Webcam: read |0: file already closed
2025/02/24 13:01:52.206836 [TNR] Closed connection to M3U-USBHDMICapture for ch1200 USB Webcam
2025/02/24 13:01:52.206836 [SNR] Buffer statistics for (Apple TV) for ch1200 USB Webcam: buf=0% drop=0%

server version is still: 2025.02.24.1812
Commercial detection also failing now cause it uses ffmpeg.

Weird. Is the new prerelease any better?

Working again far.

Must be missing a step on MacOS here. FWIW the swiches are different too
blah latest

% ./ffmpeg -devices             
 D. = Demuxing supported
 .E = Muxing supported
 D  avfoundation    AVFoundation input device
 D  lavfi           Libavfilter virtual input device
blah latest % ./ffmpeg -sources avfoundation
Auto-detected sources for avfoundation:
Cannot list sources: Function not implemented


1 Like

I am trying to setup this on my Windows 11 machine but I think my M3U is wrong


#EXTINF:-1, channel-id="usb-hdmi",USB HDMI Capture
capture://USB3.0 HD Video/USB Digital Audio/?framerate=60
[dshow @ 00000289eb1d37c0] "USB3.0 HD Video" (video)
[dshow @ 00000289eb1d37c0]   Alternative name "@device_pnp_\\?\usb#vid_534d&pid_2109&mi_00#6&2d21bbdc&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\global"
[dshow @ 00000289eb1d37c0] "Digital Audio Interface (USB Digital Audio)" (audio)
[dshow @ 00000289eb1d37c0]   Alternative name "@device_cm_{33D9A762-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}\wave_{E9D55639-2A44-4535-

It should be capture://dshow/...

2025/02/24 13:58:16.096034 [TNR] Opened connection to M3U-HDMICAPTURE for ch9467 USB HDMI Capture
2025/02/24 13:58:16.096034 [HLS] Starting live stream for channel 9467 from
2025/02/24 13:58:16.171632 [HLS] ffmpeg: capture-usb-hdmi:  [dshow @ 000001b9717c7640] Could not enumerate video devices (or none found).
2025/02/24 13:58:16.172747 [HLS] ffmpeg: capture-usb-hdmi:  video=USB3.0 HD Video:audio=USB Digital Audio: I/O error
2025/02/24 13:58:16.177171 [ERR] Error during stream M3U-HDMICAPTURE ch9467 USB HDMI Capture: exit status 1
2025/02/24 13:58:16.177171 [TNR] Closed connection to M3U-HDMICAPTURE for ch9467 USB HDMI Capture
2025/02/24 13:58:16.178279 [HLS] ffmpeg: ch9467-dANY-ip192.168.50.217-remux:  Output file #0 does not contain any stream
2025/02/24 13:58:16.180472 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch9467-dANY-ip192.168.50.217 (out=0s finished=true first_seq=0 last_seq=-1)
2025/02/24 13:58:16.180472 [ERR] Probe cancelled for live stream after 84.4376ms and 0 bytes

I can capture using this .....

C:\Users\epere>ffmpeg -f dshow -rtbufsize 100M -video_size 1280x720 -framerate 60 -vcodec mjpeg -i video="USB3.0 HD Video":audio="Digital Audio Interface (USB Digital Audio)" -vcodec h264_qsv -b:v 7000k -acodec aac vid_720p_60fps.mp4

1 Like


capture://dshow/USB3.0 HD Video/Digital Audio Interface (USB Digital Audio)/?framerate=60

2025/02/24 14:18:31.834243 [HLS] ffmpeg: capture-usb-hdmi: [dshow @ 000001757dc08500] Could not enumerate video devices (or none found).
2025/02/24 14:18:31.835572 [HLS] ffmpeg: capture-usb-hdmi: video=USB3.0 HD Video:audio=Digital Audio Interface (USB Digital Audio): I/O error
2025/02/24 14:18:31.840092 [ERR] Error during stream M3U-HDMICAPTURE ch9467 USB HDMI Capture: exit status 1

Hmm weird. It says cannot see any devices.

Maybe this is due to running as a service?

Never mind it is my fault BRB

It is working is there a way to set codec to copy or higher bitrate

2025/02/24 14:50:50.092412 [HLS] Starting live stream for channel 9000 from
2025/02/24 14:50:50.620985 [HLS] ffmpeg: capture-usb-hdmi:  [mjpeg @ 000001cd1033f440] Found EOI before any SOF, ignoring
2025/02/24 14:50:50.620985 [HLS] ffmpeg: capture-usb-hdmi:  [mjpeg @ 000001cd1033f440] No JPEG data found in image
2025/02/24 14:50:50.653226 [HLS] ffmpeg: capture-usb-hdmi:  [mjpeg @ 000001cd1033f440] EOI missing, emulating
2025/02/24 14:50:51.059827 [HLS] ffmpeg: capture-usb-hdmi:  Guessed Channel Layout for Input Stream #0.1 : stereo
2025/02/24 14:50:51.061440 [HLS] ffmpeg: capture-usb-hdmi:  [mjpeg @ 000001cd121b1b00] Found EOI before any SOF, ignoring
2025/02/24 14:50:51.061440 [HLS] ffmpeg: capture-usb-hdmi:  [mjpeg @ 000001cd121b1b00] No JPEG data found in image
2025/02/24 14:50:51.061440 [HLS] ffmpeg: capture-usb-hdmi:  Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
2025/02/24 14:50:51.072284 [HLS] ffmpeg: capture-usb-hdmi:  [swscaler @ 000001cd18c5cec0] [swscaler @ 000001cd18c79f00] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly
2025/02/24 14:50:51.072861 [HLS] ffmpeg: capture-usb-hdmi:  [swscaler @ 000001cd18c5cec0] [swscaler @ 000001cd18cdda00] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly
2025/02/24 14:50:51.073421 [HLS] ffmpeg: capture-usb-hdmi:  [swscaler @ 000001cd18c5cec0] [swscaler @ 000001cd18d386c0] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly
2025/02/24 14:50:51.074566 [HLS] ffmpeg: capture-usb-hdmi:  [swscaler @ 000001cd18c5cec0] [swscaler @ 000001cd18d89240] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly
2025/02/24 14:50:51.075128 [HLS] ffmpeg: capture-usb-hdmi:  [swscaler @ 000001cd18c5cec0] [swscaler @ 000001cd19339cc0] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly
2025/02/24 14:50:51.075686 [HLS] ffmpeg: capture-usb-hdmi:  [swscaler @ 000001cd18c5cec0] [swscaler @ 000001cd1934bfc0] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly
2025/02/24 14:50:51.076829 [HLS] ffmpeg: capture-usb-hdmi:  [swscaler @ 000001cd18c5cec0] [swscaler @ 000001cd1941a040] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly
2025/02/24 14:50:51.077391 [HLS] ffmpeg: capture-usb-hdmi:  [swscaler @ 000001cd18c5cec0] [swscaler @ 000001cd19428f00] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly
2025/02/24 14:50:51.078514 [HLS] ffmpeg: capture-usb-hdmi:  [swscaler @ 000001cd18c5cec0] [swscaler @ 000001cd194c1040] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly


See posts above

So maybe try
capture://dshow/USB3.0 HD Video/Digital Audio Interface (USB Digital Audio)/?framerate=60&video_size=1920x1080&bitrate=20000&format=ts&codec=copy

I had to set it to min 20000, just for it to look decent. 60000 and it is about the best i can get.
Also, set rez to 1080
Not sure what else could be done to improve quality.

Much sharper with higher bitrate.

Can you check the ffmpeg command running while it's streaming.

Get-WmiObject Win32_Process | select commandline | Select-String -Pattern "ffmpeg"

'Get-WmiObject' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.