Virtual channels custom sorting bug?

Is their a bug with custom sorting on virtual channels? I have been trying to sort a Star Wars channel i built but when i try and movie items, they just go back to the order they were previously in.

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Custom Sort Order?

I don't use it, but same issue was reported a couple weeks ago here

Another one

Yep those appear to be the same issue. Thanks. I wasn’t aware it had already been reported.

I am having the same problem too and also commented in the other thread. It seems to be not only custom ordering. No matter which order option I choose, it doesn't seem to order per the selected option. This worked a few weeks ago. I tried Edge, Firefox, and Chrome, and had the same issue in all three browsers. I also tried a private session and that also didn't fix the problem. Is this bug being worked on?

What are the steps to reproduce? Maybe you can make a video of what's happening. I just tried it here and it works for me.

You can also check the browser's JS console to see if any errors are printed.

Sure @tmm1. Not really any steps. Just go into the virtual channel and try to set a sort option and it doesn't do anything. If you set custom and try to movie the different movies around into a certain order, then they just snap back to the original location. I am not really familiar with the JS console but I opened it and I don't see any obvious errors (but then again I am not really familiar with it). I created a video of the issue with the JS console open but the resulting .MP4 file is about 80MB and it won't let me attach it here. Is there somewhere that I can send it?

BTW I am on version 2023.01.23.1746. I just did a check for updates and it said I am on the latest.

You could try the prerelease, that's what I was using.

You can send the video to

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Ok I just sent the video @tmm1. I upgraded to pre-release 2023.03.24.1808 but I still have the same issue. Very strange because I know this was working just a few weeks ago.

Just did some more testing @tmm1. This is really strange. The issue only seems to happen with Virtual Channels that have Movies. For TV Shows it seems like it works fine and I can sort. However, there is one Virtual Channel that does have Movies that I can sort. I can't find an exact pattern as to what is causing the issue.

@tmm1 I just deleted one of the affected virtual channels and then recreated it and now it seems to work. I will keep one of the broken virtual channels around in case you need some data from me as to what is causing the issue.

Any updates on this bug? I found this thread because I'm seeing the same issue. I cannot re-order a virtual channel. When I drag and drop a movie it just snaps back to original position. Changing the Sort type and Order has no effect.

I've tried on Edge, Chrome, and Arc and the behavior is the same. Channels v2024.02.11.0311

Edit: Just found I also replied about this a year ago here. Short memory :smiley:

I did the same as others and deleted the virtual channel that had the issue and recreated it. I have a feeling it was due to it being one of the channels i created when the feature first rolled out and some updates seemed to cause bugs in the channels created before the updates. Resorting works fine once the channel was recreated.

Thanks! I deleted and recreated the channel and that solved it.

If you have any channels showing “no li by we available”, this will prevent the sorting. This is a known bug.

Deleting the channel will let you manually sort again.

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