Virtual Channels guide view for short videos

I wasn't sure where to post this, so move if necessary.

I have two virtual channels set up for Looney Tunes and one for Minions short films. These are very short episodes (about 5-7 minutes per show), so when you look at the guide it looks weird. I realize it's because they're so short it doesn't give enough space to show the full name of the show.

I am wondering if there is a way to make this look better or is it just the way it is because of how short they are?

Here is a screenshot:

Unfortunately, it’s just how it goes. The airings are short, so they appear the way they do.

We honestly don’t have any real ideas outside of maybe offering a way to not even show the airings for the channel and instead showing it in 1 hour blocks.

Stretching them out is not an option as it would make all of the other channels useless not to mention only giving you a guide that really only shows you 20 minutes at a time, heh.

Thanks for the quick response.

Yeah, I figured that is how it would be, but just in case I wasn't thinking of some other way I figured I'd throw it out there.

Although, you're idea of offering a way to do the 1 hour blocks and not show the airings for some channels on an option basis may be workable, but it wold still prevent you seeing what episodes or movies are airing in those blocks. I guess it would just make it look prettier.

I know one other possibility but not sure how hard it would be to create but if there were a "smart" function where it would read maybe 4 shows and create it's own fake block of guide data splicing together those names in a 30 minute block or something. Now that I am typing all that out it sounds complicated though! lol

I like what I call the pivot view for a channel guide.
You can see what I'm talking about if you go to the zap2it grid guide

and click on the channel logo to pivot the view to a vertical listing.

TiVo also offered this type of guide view.

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