Watch TVEverywhere Discovery Channels No Login Form Found

Hey everyone,

I'm having issues adding the Discovery Channels to my instance of the Channels DVR system. I'm running Channels DVR on a raspberry PI device.

Here's the log line: Channel scan 61/186 DISCOVERY failed: no login form found

My provider is a local company, Eatel Video, LLC.

Any help would be great! Thanks in advance.

Are you able to watch discovery live after logging in here and choosing the discovery tab?

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Yes I'm able to watch discovery live after logging in.

Please go to Support -> Troubleshooting -> Submit Diagnostic Logs from the web interface of the DVR and let us know when it's been submitted so we can have a better idea of what was going on.

Thanks Eric,

I just submitted the logs, here's the reference for my log submission: dded48eb-d10c-4981-8bd9-8fc037d29f75.

I've also tried to update the headless chrome 2 times, each time it says it's updated then about 5 mins later when I return to the troubleshooting page I get the out of date notice. I don't think the update is installing for some reason.
"Chrome version is out of date: HeadlessChrome/78.0.3904.108"

Hey Eric, did you receive my logs? I was just looking to see if a resolution was found. Thanks!

Please try updating to the latest pre-release and see if you have any better experience and submit diagnostics again. I'm looking into why Chrome wouldn't be updating.

See if this works for you: