Wd Pr2100

Ok, it's refurbished should I send it back?

I am running a DVR on my PR4100 which has the same hardware except for more drives and it works just fine.

Is the firmware up to date ?

I'm guessing there's a bad stick of RAM in the refurb you bought.



I do not know how much memory you have but if you have 2 sticks you can try removing one then try the DVR. If it fails try switching the memory.. and try again.

I opened the case. Couldn't find memory on the mother board. On the Pr4100 it's right next to the time coin battery

Update WD is having me rebuild the Dlna data base. Don't know what that will do

I think its my external hard drive attached to my NAS. playing and recording directly on my NAS is fine. Didn't someone here record on a external hard drive with this nas?

I don't believe the RAM is upgradable on the PR2100, only the PR4100. I wanted to pimp out my PR2100 and only was an option on the 4100 model.

Yep I didn't see any memory I could remove