Websocket error with Fubo using Mac Mini

Yes. It is slow (2012 Mac Mini running Catalina and Safari) but both Fubo and Channels are now open on separate tabs. Tried again to add source with same web socket url timeout error.

Is this the first TVE source that you are trying to set up or do you have others that are working?

Are you using a VPN?

First one. OTA channels are working. No VPN.

Fubo is my only streaming service other than paramount+ Prime etc.

I want to swap to Sling without cloud DVR for their non-Fubo channels.

On the web page of the Channels DVR server, can you run Support > Troubleshooting?

Is everything green?

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It was earlier. Now it shows Chrome is corrupted and says to reinstall. I will attempt that. I’m an engineer, so would appreciate knowing how Chrome is involved. Should I use Chrome instead of Safari to run Channels in your opinion?

The chrome being mentioned is a headless chrome that Channels DVR uses About TV Everywhere in Channels DVR
What is Channels DVR installed on (device and OS)?

Mac Mini 2012, OS 10.16. Not capable of OS 11 as far as I can see….

Installing Chrome for OS 10.15 (unsupported by Google they say) since Google doesn’t have one for 10.16 on their site.

Huh, still not mentioned here https://getchannels.com/dvr-server/#macos
For macOS you have to Bring Your Own Chrome
It does mention "Channels DVR Server is officially supported on macOS 10.15 Catalina and up."
But using TVE and Chrome, not sure.

Reinstallation is complete, but unsuccessful. Still red x saying Chrome is corrupted….

Chrome version 128.0.6613.138 (Official Build) (x86_64)

You mention “headless” Chrome. Haven’t heard that term before. Chemical engineer….

headless is where it interacts with Chrome without a display/gui
See About TV Everywhere in Channels DVR

I have Apple TV coming tomorrow to allow LG TV to use Channels. Can that replace Mac as DVR? If not, what hardware do you recommend for DVR with TVE? I had the Mini lying around and hoped it would work….

Apple TV is a client, see the servers available here Channels — Channels DVR Server
Personally I use six Channels DVR Servers, all running in docker containers on a Synology NAS. Because I already have the NAS.

Understood, but that documentation says mine will work though it doesn’t.

Thanks for your prompt responses. Any hope for further checking on this Chrome issue? If so I will hold off on buying a new server.

The troubleshooter advice to reinstall did not work, so should be improved. Documentation should make clear how to make OS 10.15 work, or that it won’t work.

It does say it's supported for Channels DVR.
TVE is still a Beta project with Channels DVR (and will most likely stay that way).
So saying it's supported for Channels DVR, doesn't mean it's supported for the Beta TVE.

One of the developers will have to chime in for the definitive answer.

@tmm1 ?

Try the authentication again, run the troubleshooting again, but submit the diagnostics from the bottom of that screen, and post the ID here. The Devs will almost certainly need that.

Anyway, the answer likely lies in the ancient OS version and Chrome not playing nice, but that's a guess.

Reboot the Mac?

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