Weird Issue with Plex and Samsung

Any known issue with recent releases that might cause:

(a) Connectivity issues with Plex ??. I've been experiencing issue where when watching any plex channel there is consistently a tuner lost issue - logs show long string that ends :429 Too Many Requests. I can consistently watch those same channels through the Plex app from the same device (Apple TV), with no issue.

(b) Guide issues with Samsung Plus??. I am finding though an entire multi-hour grid is displayed, when tuned into any channel - the option to record is missing. I think it might also be affecting recordings of Passes as I see them as queued - but don't actually record.

All issues exist from either of my two Apple TV's.

One fix


What does the Channels DVR log show?
Look for the timestamp when the scheduled recording should have started.

Also if you look at the Schedule view in the DVR, what does it show for those that didn't record?

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