Weird time shifting issue

I started watching a football game fifteen minutes after the recording started. I went to jump ahead during the first commercial and it jumped back to the beginning of the recording. I tried to jump forward to where I left off and it went back to the beginning again. I tried holding the forward button down and I watched as it fast forwarded through the game. As soon as I released the FF button it jumped back to the beginning. I ended up having to go back to the grid and watching the game live, missing a good portion of the first quarter.

Before this issue started there was a lot of stuttering. I checked my Internet speeds and they were more than sufficient. It's all well and good to be able to save money on YouTube TV, but this service needs to work. I've had nothing but trouble so far.

Please go to Settings -> Support -> Submit Diagnostic Logs from your device and let us know when it's been submitted so we can have a better idea of what was going on.


Done. I just restarted the router to see if that would help and now I'm getting the following message when I try to resume watching the game.

The connection to the Channels DVR Server had a problem. Press play to try again (Timeout).

Connected again but with constant stuttering

It looks like your Apple TV lost its network connection for a moment and is the reason for the timeout.

I noticed that you have your Streaming Quality for Home set to 8mbps. Was that an intentional change? In general you'll get a better experience if you have it set to Original.

I'll check the setting. Any idea why FF kept jumping back to the beginning of the recording?

Thanks for the help!

It looks like the stuttering you saw was the source of the jumping backwards too.

For some reason the SHIELD transcoder was generating video segments with bad timestamps (each segment should have been 1s long, but the timestamps were only being incremented by 0.2s).

We had an expectation in the client app that this sort of thing wouldn't happen, and so that discrepancy caused the jump backward.

We're releasing a new Testflight beta now that will resolve the seeking issue, but I don't know what is causing your SHIELD encoder to generate these bad encodes.

Switching to Original streaming will resolve both of these issues for now.

Fixed seeking in the latest Testflight.

This still won't resolve the skipping that is being caused by the SHIELD transcoder.

I adjusted the streaming to Original. I'll test it again next weekend.

Thanks for the help!

I let a college football game record for 90 minutes before starting to watch. All I did was adjust Streaming Quality and it seems to be working fine.

Thanks again for the help!

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