What does "Delete and Recreate Database" do? -- Multiple entries of same show after upgrade

I upgraded my Channels DVR windows server. I used the backup and restore function, but I also changed/upgraded hard drives after the restore. Now it seems I have duplicate entries of all my shows. Once that links to the correct show on the new drive, and one that links to the same show, under the old path. The later of the two won't play and just show Playback Failed.

I've used the pruned deleted option in the WebUI, but that doesn't seem to clear them up. Is there an option I can use to have channels re-scan the recordings and match all the shows to their correct path?

What does the "Delete and Recreate Database" option do under the Guide Database? Does this do anything with the recordings or just the guide? Is there anything else I can do to clear things up other than just doing it from the client side manually?

What do your dvr storage and local content settings look like?

dvr local storage

After I did the backup on the old machine, I installed the drives in the new windows computer. The drive letters were different as I have new drives in the new machine. So after the restore, the programs wouldn't play. I then copied all the shows from my old drive (E), so the new drive (N). Now all the shows work, but it left a duplicate entry for every show. The ones from the old path (E). None of those work/play though and I am not sure how to clean up the database (if that makes sense)?

Under DVR > Manage what does it show for the path for each duplicate?

Here are two examples. They are movies, but the same holds true for the movies and TV Shows.

The first, Mad Max Fury Road, is the copy I transferred over to the new drive. It shows the path and plays just fine. The second is Christmas Takes Flight. This doesn't show a path, and even through it shows in Channels, it won't play.

I assume all of the shows and movies should show a path, but many of them don't.

If I look at the details of the movie, there are two copies showing in Channels. This first one doesn't show a path, and it doesn't work. The second one does show a path and works. I just don't know how to clean up all these old ones.

The problem is you've added your old recordings into imports.

The local content paths are for files you've added externally.

Is there a copy of that movie in both L: and N: ?

Only new recordings show on Drive L. I copied all the 'old' recordings to Drive N. So to answer your question, no, there is not a copy in both.

Can I just use the DVR > Manage to 'delete' the recordings that don't show path next to them?

If you're sure the files are gone then you can do a recordings prune:

Thank you. This seemed to work to clear up the TV show duplicates, there is nothing showing under DVR > Manage > Shows now though. Is that to be expected? They all seem to still show-up in the Library though.

There are also still plenty of items listed under DVR > Manage > Movies. Some of these don't have a storage path listed still, but they seem to work. Any ideas why some aren't showing a storage path? Anything to be concerned about?

I think I am close to getting things straightened out. The last few issue I am having is as follows:

  1. There is a Folder under TV Shows just called 'Movies'. When I copied things over it created a TV show called Movies. There are 112 items in here that aren't showing up in the Movies section of Channels. I can't find this folder on the drive either. The biggest issue is I don't know how to fix this. The Fix Incorrect Match doesn't work, and I can't find the files in the TV Shows folder. See the video below to see what I mean...

Video of Issue #1

  1. There are movies under my PlayOn folder on the N drive. These movies are not in my Channels DVR library anymore though. The TV shows under the PlayOn folder are all there, but none of the Movies are. Do I need to just copy these over the the Channels Movie folder manually?

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You don't add movies or tv shows to the ChannelsDVR Movies or TV Shows directories. Those folders are for ChannelsDVR recordings only.

You should look into the Local Content option.

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Honestly you don't need to keep them in a playon directory if you are going to move them from the default folder. I like my content all together. so when I do local content I move my playon content out of the default folder into my tv or movie import folder. I see no reason to keep playon content in a different folder.

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Thank you, that makes sense.

No a bad idea, I guess there is no real reason to separate them. I will just add them to the local movies contact folder.

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