What is the metadata source for imported content?

What is the source for the metadata for imported content? I have one TV show that I imported - BBC's Planet Earth: Blue Planet II - that I am having issues with. After importing the show, it detects the show correctly, but all of the episode information is missing. I have several other BBC Earth shows imported and they work fine. I wanted to go take a look at the source (e.g. TVDB.com) and see if the episode info is missing there too.

FYI, if I choose Fix Incorrect Match to see if there is another selection for the show that might have episode information, there is only one correct match to the show. Other items show up but they are not the correct show.

Have you tried editing the title in the matching modal to get other results?

A view of the Gracenote source is available here
Episode Guide shows the seven episodes under Season 2
The ones with the OAD show no Episode Title and the ones with Episode Titles show no episode number.

Gracenote messed that one up
They must have thought it was Season 2 of The Blue Planet.

If it re airs, SeriesID 14568089 in a pass will record it.

Yes I did, without any luck. I have a lot of experience over with Plex in trying to get stuff to match so I used every trick in the book that I know, but with no success.

Thank you! That actually seems to be a match, so at least now I can manually fix the match. Good to know the source too. Is there a way to submit fixes at Gracenotes like you can over at TVDB.org?

Us mere mortals cannot (unless you have an account with them)
You can at zap2it.com which uses gracenote data, but don't hold your breath waiting...
Zap2it Feedback

For any future searches you might like this trick that shows the details behind the Channels DVR Find Match search

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@chDVRuser you're correct that it looks like they thought it was the second season of Planet Earth when it was just a stand-alone season with the title of Blue Planet II. It shouldn't have the title Planet Earth in it. I did find a second entry that is simply titled Blue Planet II, but it seems like it can't find it when I use Fix Incorrect Match:

Any thoughts as to why it is not finding this alternate listing? Is there a way for example to search on the ID (I assume SH02787958) to get a match?

Although the title is correct in this alternate, it looks like the episodes are also messed up and they're also listed as "Season 2". At least the title will be correct if I can get it to match. :smiley:

Put the tmsId in the Find/Fix Match search box

I have a theory that if the titleLang isn't "en" it won't find it.
For SH027879580000 it's "titleLang": "en-GB"

I was able to find it with the tmsId, but it still doesn't find the individual episodes. Possible bug though regarding en-GB?

Since it was only seven episodes, I just went ahead and edited all of the metadata manually using the info from TVDB.com. It ended up being a lot faster that trying to get it to work automatically. :slight_smile: However good info know to future reference. Thanks for all of the help @chDVRuser.

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I did just find you can search for a phrase using the API.

Normally it seems to search using OR
Finds matches containing the words blue OR planet

To search for a phrase, enclose it in double quotes"blue planet II"
Finds only matches containing the phrase "blue planet II"

Thanks @chDVRuser. Good to know.

Since your example was an imported TV Show, I mentioned that Gracenote is the metadata source.
But for imported Movies, it's TMDB by default. When doing a fix incorrect match on a Movie, you can choose either TMDB or Gracenote.

BBCA is airing Blue Planet II again.
Gracenote named it "Planet Earth: Blue Planet II" and has the season and episodes wrong.
S02E01 - One Ocean
S02E00 - The Deep
S02E00 - Coral Reefs
S02E00 - Big Blue
S02E00 - Green Seas
S02E00 - Coasts
S02E00 - Our Blue Planet

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