Windows DVR won't start after beta update

Have the DVR installed on Windows 11 box. Used the Shift+click option to download the latest beta. (I usually update 2-3 times per week.)

There was no activity on the DVR, but the beta install seemed to freeze on "installing" (or whatever the progress indicator says) for several minutes. Tried reloading web browser and it would no longer connect to DVR.

Tried rebooting the DVR box. The Channels DVR service won't even start.

I downloaded the windows installer. Tried removing and reinstalling the service. Didn't work. Tried starting app in system tray. I can get to the settings screen, but the only thing displayed is an icon which says "Booting..."

What's the next step for troubleshooting? Should I just uninstall the DVR completely, reinstall and load backup? It looks like a backup was taken about 1.5 hours before this incident.

Load localhost:8089/debug/stack hit file>save and email to

Had the same issue this am. The service wont run but if you run the exe normally it will startup and run fine in the tray. The exe is in c:\programdata\channelsdvr\latest
I think the update broke the service aspect as the only difference from running the exe mannually vs a windows service is that appears to just appends a -service argument. Im just running it manually for now till a fix...

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My service won't run either now.

Good catch, fix coming.

Easiest workaround would be to go into c:/programdata/ChannelsDVR

Rename latest to old

Rename 2022.09.01.2101 (or earlier) to latest

Broke when we added -port support earlier


This got me running again. Thanks!

Fix is ready.

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