I built an antenna to pick up a couple of stations on this channel. I could pick it up, but the frequency band is just too susceptible to interference. I eventually ended up signing up for frndlytv, and use frndlytv-for-channels. If you want to create an m3u for the WRAL News+ link, you can.
If you are using a chrome based browser, you can hit F12 while on the website (or right-click, then click inspect). You will want to look at the Network tab of the inspection window on the right side. Type m3u8 in the filter box, and you should see the link that you can copy use in your m3u file.
Create a new file named wral.m3u in a text editor. It should be similar to this:
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="WRAL" channel-number="16" tvg-logo="https://wwwcache.wral.com/asset/news/2022/07/07/20364186/newsplus_blue_16x9-DMID1-5vwywg8iv-640x360.jpg" tvg-name="WRAL" tvc-guide-stationid="120392" tvc-guide-description="WRAL" tvc-stream-vcodec="h264" tvc-stream-acodec="aac",WRAL
https://content.uplynk.com/channel/4f69a64fd31e4e80bf62e31d1d57f9e5.m3u8 <--- this is the link that you copied.
Now you should be able to add a source in the settings of Channels with a Stream format of HLS, Source - File, Path to m3u file you created.
I do not know what the gracenote station id is for this channel, so the guide will not be right unless you update the station id in the m3u file.
I am by no means an expert, but these steps should get you up and running. Also, sometimes links change on streaming websites, so you might have to change the link in your m3u file if that happens.
Hope this helps.