Yeah East is the same as Pacific but Pacific is correct.... Which are the ones I have enabled. Verified Pacific with my Prime. SMH
I updated to the latest prerelease, individually rescanned the Disney channels and recreated the guide database. Still getting the Pacific feed on all channels.
Okay I guess they only send EST or PST now. I will update the scanner.
Try this
After updating and rescanning the channels, it removes the east coast feeds with the error "unavailable in current location". I'm on the west coast. The west coast feeds are still working for me.
I assume someone on the east coast would see the opposite,
2023/04/23 15:32:09.478824 [TVE] Channel scan 75/192 DISNEY failed: unavailable in current location
2023/04/23 15:32:09.530030 [TVE] Channel scan 76/192 DISNEYP successful
2023/04/23 15:32:09.882730 [TVE] Channel scan 77/192 DISNEYJR failed: unavailable in current location
2023/04/23 15:32:09.935287 [TVE] Channel scan 78/192 DISNEYJRP successful
2023/04/23 15:32:10.226919 [TVE] Channel scan 79/192 DISNEYXD failed: unavailable in current location
2023/04/23 15:32:10.277249 [TVE] Channel scan 80/192 DISNEYXDP successful
Are you east or west?
I’m central time. But out of town right now. I will try to remote in later and see what comes thru.
Lost all East Coast feeds. Now only get West Coast.
2023/04/23 19:37:22.682921 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6122: TVE: unavailable in current location
2023/04/23 19:37:22.718742 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch6122-dANY-ip10.0.10.5: TVE: unavailable in current location
2023/04/23 19:37:22.718800 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch6122-dANY-ip10.0.10.5
Even though 6120-DISNEY East failed scanning, it's still mapped and in the guide?

I think a restart fixed it. Just updated again to 2023.04.24.0102 and it's no longer mapped, but still appears in the guide. Will delete and recreate guide database.
All east coast feeds gone. No longer in guide.
I'm in Eastern time, so I get the Eastern feeds on the DisneyNOW site as expected, but in Channels I only get the Pacific feeds. All the Eastern feeds show "unavailable in current location."
I confirmed just now (for all three channels) that I can simultaneously stream the Eastern feeds from the DisneyNOW site and the Pacific feeds via Channels, and they're definitely the two different streams airing different content, matching their respective guide data. Since Channels is able to access the Pacific feeds, that tells me both Eastern & Pacific feeds are being broadcast concurrently, at least for the moment.
@tmm1 Logs have been submitted as 89a2ff33-7242-4b17-a020-3f5b49b95b24.
same here.
Same for me, also on the east coast.
Had to reload the channels a couple of times before it showed the correct programs.
Confirmed fixed. Thank you!
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