Xfinity TVE - Not in Subscription

I'm hoping someone here can help me better than Xfinity's horrible customer support. I just signed up for Xfinity TV service (TV only - internet is from another provider) with the intension of using TVE login on Channels. I logged in and I'm only getting 87 channels (with my username login - not my email address) even though I subscribed to preferred package (200+ channels). I know I won't get all the channels but I assumed channels such as CNN or TBS should work. I am getting "not in subscription" responses from these channels but they clearly are in my subscription. Xfinity support has no clue what I'm talking about so I'm hoping one of you might be able to help. Is there a list of supported TVE Channels from Xfinity? Or, does anyone have a suggestion of how to get Xfinity support to correct the issue? Thanks in advance!

Does it work on Or in the xfinity stream app?

Thanks for the quick reply. When I go to TBS or CNN's website and log in with Xfinity credentials I get redirected to a page on Xfinity's site that says " This network is not included in your current Xfinity TV service." even though I know the channel is included in my package - I subscribed to their top package.

Then the package is not set correctly on their end. Try in their official stream app and tell their support that isn't working.

Strangely enough, TBS and CNN (among many others) don't even show up in their stream app for me. Maybe I need to make another call to them...have already made many and no one seems to understand what the problem is. Are you saying that if I am able to view it on their stream app then it should work via TVE?

Yes that's what I've heard from other users here.


Thanks again for the help. In case someone runs across this thread in the future I thought I would share what I discovered. Apparently due to the fact that I had a pending order for CableCARD on my newly created account and I do not have any Xfinity boxes (or devices), my account would not let me stream many channels via TVE because my account was not "active" since I didn't have any devices activated. As soon as I picked up my CableCARD from my local store all the TVE Channels were available. This apparently only applies to accounts that have only TV service only because internet accounts are allowed to have streaming only TV plans. Hope that helps someone in the future.


I'm having this Xfinity TVE - Not in Subscription issue. I pay for 2 boxes for my mom at her independent living apartment. Is there some minimum level of service needed to get TVE with Xfinity? I have a pretty basic level of Xfinity TV service on my mom's boxes, but I do have ESPN, SEC Network, Bally Sports and TCM. I have a feeling that I need to have a more expensive level of service to get TVE with my mom's Xfinity service. Can someone tell me what it is?

It's usually related to auto authentication on your own isp xfinity account

Does the account work on xfinity stream app and ?

Not on Xfinity Stream works. I have Xfinity at my home on a separate internet only account. I get a page telling me that “This network is not included in your current Xfinity Tv service.

How can I stop this auto authentication? My mom’s TV only account is on another password.

This would have to be done in your xfinity account settings. You may be able to disable auto-authentication there.

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Thanks. I was able to do that after logging in using my account at home.

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