YouTubeTV and TBS alwyas needing a rescan

I have found the TBS and a couple other channels will need a rescan quite often to work. Sometimes I will tune in the channel and it works, other times I get a long message for a streaming error, but all I need to do rescan the channel and it works.. getting a bit annoying to do.. any idea why it keeps happening and maybe a possible fix?


Could be those channels need to be re-authorized.
Check the DVR logs.
Just trying to watch the channel again will attempt to re-auth it.
If you're trying to record it, CDVR will auto retry to re-auth it.

trying to watch channel again or pressing play does nothing..

Here is the Error:

2024/07/19 18:18:57.428997 [ERR] Could not start stream for TVE-YouTubeTV ch6034 TBSP: TVE: Could not fetch playlist from GET:*~id=037f0bbd23070530d9f1dd9ac2e98051-1721431437~hmac=094b16e230113f02e80227b2feab86a9181400b57b7ec1f0cb6dfaa656ce33aa: 403 Forbidden

2024/07/19 18:19:04.810808 [ERR] Could not start stream for TVE-YouTubeTV ch6034 TBSP: TVE: Could not fetch playlist from GET:*~id=037f0bbd23070530d9f1dd9ac2e98051-1721431437~hmac=094b16e230113f02e80227b2feab86a9181400b57b7ec1f0cb6dfaa656ce33aa: 403 Forbidden

And you're running the latest pre-release version, right?
What version of Channels DVR are you using?

running this: 2024.07.18.0352
there is a new pre-release, I will install but this has been an issue for a couple months. started when I was on Truenas Core, now it is running on a Mac.. due to the Browser issues on Truenas, I was hoping the mac switch would have fixed it

Maybe because YTTV is forcing 2fa?
Xfinity is now forcing it for my secondary viewer only accounts.

could be, it is only a few channels and not always.. just weird.. I can deal with it, I have access to the server when I connect when away form home

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Provider - Xfinity

submit diagnostics after rescan and TBS is playing correctly

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Just happened again and I submitted diagnostic data right after