YouTubeTV Playback

I'm having issues with YouTube TV playback and wondering if anyone has experience fixing playback issues.

Steps I've done so far:

I've created a secondary family account with Two Factor Authentication disabled.
That secondary account is a totally new google account.
Logged in to prior to setting up channels DVR with that dedicated account.
Sometimes playback on NBC live works and sometimes it just spins.

I have a question into NBC support about that issue.
Is there anything else I can try ?
Or is this definitely just an NBC/YoutubeTV/TVE issue ?

I had all the YouTube TV channels added to channels DVR but after a while it stops working.
From the logs it looks like channels was using the google account I started with and started getting authorization failures.
That google account did have 2FA enabled so I switched to using one that didn't.
But channels is somehow trying to use the bad account.

There’s a few of us with this issue here Provider - YouTube TV - #859 by duckydan

Logs show google is showing the “select an account” page which requires a user to click on the account they’re using. Hoping the devs can figure out a fix.

Thanks for the reply

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