[RELEASE] Watch YouTube, Twitch, Daily Motion, News Websites, and more inside your Channels DVR Client Internal Player!

Starting in v2025.03.18.1154 of Streaming Library Manager for Channels, you can now watch internet videos and live streams from places like YouTube, Twitch, Daily Motion, news websites, and perhaps thousands more right in your Channels DVR client internal players! Check out the release video here:

Full details are available on the Wiki:

The reason I'm posting this in its own thread and not the Stream Link Manager and Playlist Manager ones is that these capabilities are tied together. Further, this is a major functionality release unto itself and is going to have all of its own questions, updates, and whatnot.

Otherwise, enjoy, and let everyone know how it's going!

IMPORTANT NOTE: While Streaming Stations will work anywhere, SLM Streams will only work on a client or in third-party tools like VLC (in other words, not in the web player directly). Further, there is currently a bug in the Apple TV client that is preventing SLM Streams from playing. The Devs have been alerted to the core issue and we are awaiting their resolution.

Special thanks to @Fofer for bringing the original idea helping me through testing and troubleshooting!


If the live streaming station/channel is actually an m3u which expires in a reasonably long time frame
can I type an m3u link in vs picking a live stream like NASA will this still work?

If you have a direct link to a stream, just use the "Custom" type as there is nothing to transform. If it lives on a webpage that assigns an expiration, then you'd want to try "Live Streams" as that option will pull the stream with new expiration tokens every time you play it, thus never requiring an update. No guarantee that it'll work for everything, but feedback could be useful to make modifications that might allow it.


Hi thre,
Just setup Streaming station in PLM and it is working great.
I have a couple of URLS i want to see about supporting.
I want to play baseball game archives in plugin video mlb server
The link format looks like this.
I tried thelink but got service unavailable.
If anyone can verify tings and let me know of a olution it would be great.
I just got Tubi to work.
I got tired of not seeing ads. I like the flow of ads plus it supports the website.]
I do have one service that would greatly benefit the community.
I am trying to see if i can use Streaming stations URL to get it logged in and bring up streams so as to grab and map stations of interest.
I can add services from sling etc and use Stremium to get things going.
This is neat.

Nice....I can watch shows and movies that are available on YT on this. Cool