Another way for Channels DVR to watch YouTube Live vids

Came across this GitHub project that does something. very similar to the kister method using the API. They also have a long list of YouTube live streams on their iptv playlist

How is it working for you in Channels DVR?
Did you load all 3,967 of his live channels (that isn't every current live channel on yt)?
Or did you choose channels/video-id's.

Doesn't work far as I can tell. Maybe it did when it was posted in feb

Well, no need to worry about 3967 out of date stations! Streaming Library Manager now basically has a local copy of the Kister method... and a whole lot more. Check it out...

this appears to be the solution I've been hoping for.. consider me a more than a newbie but far less than a deep dive techie who clearly understands this stuff. I know what I want to achieve and if I find it im smart enough (well regardless of wife's opinion) to either cut paste or otherwise duplicate the lines / script to achieve success.

prior to this.
using PC running web based version of dvr server.
TVE Pluto Uverse sources
then discovered Youtube channels we liked (like airport and weather streams) and integrated those as actual channels in our grid (that is the ultimate goal) such that the Mrs and I can choose on grid and it either opens the am (streamlinks to like Netflix or Hulu and so on) or it just starts playing the. YouTube stream.

when I start to see Git hub I keep thinking im gonna have start from scratch again... (this may be worth that learning curve for me ) Sooooooo

  1. can I do this (the above) on the pc web gui system I've been using (ill call it the original way)
  2. no sparks you can only use this with a docker set up

if I must use docker....

  1. since you have to use docker set up here are the step by step (some pics would help) to get you on you way????

thanks in advance all..

@Sparky, I can't tell if you are referring to the original post or Streaming Library Manager, but assuming if it is the later, just follow the link above and to the repo and all your questions will be answered. Detailed directions with many pretty pictures (and even videos), multiple simple installation methods (including Windows), self-building m3u files to integrate into Channels, Stream Links as simple as searching, as little or heavy involvement as you want... give it a looksie!

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thank you!

Forgive me, but I’m not running any docker “shell”
Just simply on a windows based computer the web/browser interface …
I’ve watch the video and the more I click around for install I’m think this needs docker running channels? Which I’m not doing …does that make sense?
Thanks for patience with me

That is not correct; it doesn't matter how your Channels DVR is installed. Just read and follow the directions for installing on Windows:

  • Installation:

  • Startup:

  • Usage:

  • Upgrade:

  • FAQ / Troubleshoot:

Thank you again!

I'm much further along, but stuck may I ask for some assistance (show me one channel and I can repeat and load the others)
my Example

ive been stepping through this guide

you can see guide on left and program on right

when I hit TEST should the other boxes populate? nothing happens..
I have set PLM to 1 just to see one channel top of guide.
bumkis... even when I utilize the actual test (kitten academy) I do not get pop up offering to play anything

I have files on external drive (d drive)but yet it took me a while to add the program manager (c drive) could this be the issue? channels user for a while I kinda expected the guide to update with channel 1 and the live LAX feed. no dice. I checked playlist .. .nothing there either..

thanks for any advice and patience with my efforts

That's not a guide, those are release notes. This is the guide:

You probably have a pop-up blocker stopping the page. Make sure Streaming Library Manager has an exclusion allowance for pop-ups.

Hi @babsonnexus, I'm just getting to grips with SLM and have tried adding a Streaming Station using the detailed guides you've provided, thank you.

When I test a stream, the browser window that opens says:
"Failed to retrieve m3u8 manifest URL"

I've tried it with the Kitten Academy example you had (as well as the live streams I wanted to include in Channels) but same result each time. The URL it attempts to open is:

I believe that is as expected.

The M3U created (Playlists > Manage Playlists) is:

In Channels it sees the playlist OK, I can see the channels from the above M3U in guide, add them to collections etc etc, but nothing plays.

Just to be sure, I tried opening that M3U in VLC - again, it sees the individual streams in the playlist, but nothing actually plays.

EDIT ** Disabled my VPN and it works fine! So, that seems to be it. Any way around that? My preference is to keep the VPN switched on for my media server

YouTube/Google is probably blocking the route of your VPN, so that is most likely where your issues lie. A similar situation was discussed here:

Appreciate you getting back to me and all your hard work on this @babsonnexus.
Issues are all my end :slight_smile: Relocating to another UK location on my VPN has sorted this for now, so I'll keep an eye on it and can always relocated if need be!

As of v2025.03.18.1154 of PLM, this functionality has been greatly increased, notably beyond just YouTube live streams. You can read about it here: