500 channels limits .

Is that in total, or for each source?


Don't think so. I have 576 channels via Xfinity from my HDHomerun Prime. And I have two other sources (TVE as backup) and some M3u streams

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So you are saying that the 500 limit is per custom stream and NOT in total for custom?

Correct. The first 500 streams from a M3U playlist are imported/added; additional streams in the file are ignored.


Thanks! Appreciate the clarification.

The US Plex m3u at Index of /Plex/ now has over 500 channels. Is there any way for this limit to be increased?


Would love to see the ability to add the additional plex streams.
I have a lot of channels to watch so it is good.

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I just notice this too... They added some nice ones.

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You could use m3u4u.com to bring in that playlist and edit it down under 500 channels by eliminating any channels you didn't want (or by splitting it up into multiple playlists). Then your custom channels source would use the m3u4u playlist.

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But using a localized filtered file, is no good. The URL method for Plex/Pluto is best as it has to be updated frequently. Unless that site/service auto updates via URL and hosts its own URL to put into channels?

Yes that is what m3u4u does. But it’s an annoying, not very user-friendly service in my experience, a bit of a hassle to rely upon.

If Channels DVR could make an exception for Plex, or just up the limit a bit, it would work better for lots of folks.

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I can just hear someone asking for 1,000 limit now.


I barely have enough time to watch what I record from OTA what does one do with 1000 Channels.?


Can we make it a kool thousand?


I see Plex has gone to 508 channels.... but, lately, Plex has been just terrible, most of the channels, will only play for several seconds, then Tuner lost, or maybe 10 or 15 min, then same. That too many requests error shows up in log.

Pluto channels, a few do the same thing from time to time, but rarely..

I would probably hide 980 of them. Too many...

Sure but the issue was once we hit the 500 limit, the newest channels added beyond that wouldn't even be presented to us, to choose or reject. At least now we can browse through all 508 of the Plex channels and choose which ones we'd like to include in our own CDVR setups.

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I guess it is to brag my DVR is bigger than your DVR . :grinning:

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I know some users would brag that they get over 1,000 channels.
I would just nod my head and roll my eyes!


I know. One needs to see all 1,000 so they can pare it down to a manageable grid guide.