Hello there, just checking to see if others are having issues with Cartoon Network today? I am getting a error:
2019/09/18 16:20:59 [ERR] Could not start stream for TVE-DTV ch6041 TOON: TVE: get: https://turnerlive.akamaized.net/hls/live/572106/toone/aes_slate/Toon_East_HLS_Slate_VIDEO_5_864000.m3u8?hdntl=exp=1568870454~acl=%2Fhls%2Flive%2F*~hmac=80d90bffd75150e43b013c5ed3c264a2d06de3a0a3ec66027dd15ba4d04d46b1: 404 Not Found
I sent a email to support in case its on their end, but I was just checking to see if other folk are having issues.