9/18 Cartoon Network down

Hello there, just checking to see if others are having issues with Cartoon Network today? I am getting a error:

2019/09/18 16:20:59 [ERR] Could not start stream for TVE-DTV ch6041 TOON: TVE: get: https://turnerlive.akamaized.net/hls/live/572106/toone/aes_slate/Toon_East_HLS_Slate_VIDEO_5_864000.m3u8?hdntl=exp=1568870454~acl=%2Fhls%2Flive%2F*~hmac=80d90bffd75150e43b013c5ed3c264a2d06de3a0a3ec66027dd15ba4d04d46b1: 404 Not Found

I sent a email to support in case its on their end, but I was just checking to see if other folk are having issues.

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Yeah, both cartoon networks down for me yesterday and today.

Thanks for letting us know. This issue is fixed in the latest DVR build (v2019.09.18.2254). To update, click and hold the Check For Update button.

Thank you for the quick response. Professional as always.

Cartoon Network is back down with it showing ā€œ http://tunerlive.akamaized.net/hls/liv...ā€

Same here, getting:

[ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6041: TVE: get: https://turnerlive.akamaized.net/hls/live/572107-b/toone/noslate/VIDEO_3_1928000.m3u8?hdntl=exp=1607402908~acl=%2fhls%2flive%2f*~hmac=abfcf5e8b5c7ecb78bf675e219b18ad620e004061a6639c29464895d0a5f74a2: 404 Not Found

Cartoon Network working fine for me.

Did you check between 6am and 9pm? Adult Swim works ok but Cartoon Network doesn't. 3 days in a row now.

Ah. post saus 8;32pm. maybe AD was on then.
just tried it now,and it wont load.

Cartoon network is still not working. Currently I'm using U-verse.
I tried:
1.Updating the server.
2.Deleting and re-adding the U-verse source.
3. I tired it on Apple TV, Fire TV, Iphone, Ipad, and Chrome.
4. I can log into https://www.cartoonnetwork.com with no problem.

Fixed in pre-release v2020.12.12.0050


That worked!

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Awesome! Thanks a lot <3

Just FYI, it (Cartoon Network via TV Everywhere), is broken again, started yesterday.

" Failed: could not start stream on channels=[6041]: TVE: authz: 400 Bad Request "

Everything else on TVE seems to work.

Works fine for me.


Still broken as of 90 minutes ago.

Other channels (like FX) working fine.

No issues for me, it's playing fine...

TVE source: DirecTV.

What is your version of Channels?

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Update server to latest pre-release and try again.

Yeah, that fixes it. Need to update not just to latest release but latest PRE-release.

cartoon network went down for me...I never had problems before but now I am having this same issue. I just updated but still having the same issue