A different DVR Schedule view

NO, just using Dark Reader.
Here's how it looks with Dark Reader off.
Screenshot 2022-01-09 at 12-18-24 Screenshot
Screenshot 2022-01-09 at 12-19-15 Screenshot

OK -- Dark Reader isn't inverting the vertical bar representing the current time (as of last refresh).

I updated the Docker image with the changes discussed... give it a try. I briefly looked into the formatting for labelling the top of the graph with dates/times, and unless I work out locking the header to the screen (which can be a browser support nightmare from what I've read), it will be useless, too... always having to scroll up to the top to see the date/time there. For now, I'm just going to leave it as is, relying on the mouse hover tooltip to identify the date/time...

The new docker image isn't working.
Seems to think my channels dvr is at, even though I set it correctly by passing the environment value in my docker run command. -e "channels="

Error output ends with this
requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=8089): Max retries exceeded with url: /devices (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fd1c18a2ad0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 113] No route to host'))

It appears the python script at your github site is different than the one in your docker image.
The one in the docker image uses

    channels_dvr = os.environ('channels', 'http://localhost:8089/') # where to find channels-dvr server
    if channels_dvr[-1] != "/": channels_dvr += "/"
    PORT = 80 # port this will respond on
    auto_refresh = str(os.environ('refresh', '30')) # number of seconds for html refresh meta tag
    channels_dvr = ''#) # where to find channels-dvr server
    PORT = 80 # port this will respond on
    auto_refresh = '30'#)) # number of seconds for html refresh meta tag

The one at your github page uses

channels_dvr = os.environ('channels', 'http://localhost:8089/') # where to find channels-dvr server
if channels_dvr[-1] != "/": channels_dvr += "/"
PORT = 80 # port this will respond on
auto_refresh = str(os.environ('refresh', '60')) # number of seconds for html refresh meta tag

Fixed it. Changed os.environ( to os.environ.get(

    channels_dvr = os.environ.get('channels', 'http://localhost:8089/') # where to find channels-dvr server
    if channels_dvr[-1] != "/": channels_dvr += "/"
    PORT = 80 # port this will respond on
    auto_refresh = str(os.environ.get('refresh', '30')) # number of seconds for html refresh meta tag

Sorry about that.... the code difference was a carryover from my local testing to my build enviroment. I pushed the correct code to github, but pulled the wrong code into my build. Didn't catch it, because the built Docker image worked correctly in my environment.

I've rebuilt and am reposting the correct images to Docker... give it a few minutes.

With this?

Yeah -- that's the correct code. copy/paste errors from notes while in a rush, while having been out of the development game for 6+ years definitely contributes to these kinds of errors...

Docker images have been updated...

:+1: Thanks, working again!
I'm sure you know your github still has os.environ() instead of os.environ.get()

Thanks -- actually hadn't caught that. I REALLY need to homogenize my development environment to stop these things from happening! Too many copies of code being edited... I thought I had pushed the correct code to github, but the push failed (without me catching that it failed) due to a manual change not being pulled down first. Ugh. I guess these are just growing pains...

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You may want to take a look at Toolbox, then.