A docker-compose for every Channels-related extension -- suitable for Portainer-Stacks!

Docker desktop for Windows has a Portainer extension.


After the recent WB kerfuffle, I switched to these docker compose files to continue receiving Samsung, Plex, and Pluto.

Things are working well, however I am only getting six hours of guide data at any given time. This is vs using nocordz for Pluto, which gives 24 hours.

Is this "just the way it is", or can I change a config to increase the amount of guide data retrieved/stored?


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I get 6hrs from the Samsung TV Plus for Channels docker and 24hrs with the Pluto for Channels (jonmaddox) docker. Don't use a Plex docker, so not sure about that.

Using the jgomez177 dockers as installed through Olivetin Project One Click, my program guide for Plex goes out to around 72 hours (3 days). Pluto looks to be around 24 hours. Samsung is the shortest at roughly 6 hours.

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Thanks for the responses, @chDVRuser and @jsfullam .

I was planning on using the weekend to spin up a new Linux install to try Project One Click. I'll do that and see if I get improved results.

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Just be aware that the Samsung TV Plus for Channels docker changed and requires the Channels DVR Custom M3U Channel settings to be updated.

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Both the Docker Compose in this post, and Project One-Click have been updated to incorporate the latest changes to the Samsung-TVPlus-for-Channels container.

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Will running watchtower update the Samsung TV Plus docker? Or, shall I kill the docker, remove the source, and start from scratch?

Watchtower would update the container, but you'd be lacking values for TZ and REGIONS. I'd suggest stopping the stack and pasting in the new compose, along with the new env vars. Then click "Update the stack", followed by using the "Re-pull and redeploy" slider.

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Gotcha. I figured that would be the case. However, I thought that it's better to ask for guidance than to screw things up all by myself. :roll_eyes: Thanks once again!

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Big THANK YOU to you, @bnhf !

Long story short, I had to reinstall Docker Desktop on my computer and start over from scratch.
These docker-compose saved me so much time, it was so easy to get all my Docker sources back very quickly!



I'm just now jumping on the docker train (Ubuntu) so I'm sorry for the basic questions, and for posting them here, I'm not sure where else to ask. I started messing with docker yesterday and here's what I've done, and what I'm not sure about.

So far I've installed docker, portainer with a docker run command, Samsung, and Pluto with docker run commands. This works, but the containers won't update themselves like this. This is why I would want to setup a portainer stack with docker compose and use watchtower?

Im still kind of confused with the process with docker compose. The order of operations would be:

Have docker installed and running
Have no active containers running
Install portainer with the above command
Create a portainer stack with the recommended compose for olivetin in the advanced section
Launch olivetin to get the recommended compose for the containers I would like to use
Amend the stacks' docker compose to include more containers (Samsung, Pluto, Plex, stirr, PLM, olivetin, watchtower, maybe more?)
Redeploy the stack

Does this sound about right?

Yes. Projects deployed using Portainer-Stacks are easier to modify and update (using Watchtower or manually).

OliveTin has a whole second page dedicated to Project One-Click, which will create a stack for you in Portainer, and Custom Channel Source for you in CDVR (where applicable).

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When I install anything on portainer it shows as if it is running but when I go to the url it does not open this is on windows but when I was using ubuntu this wasnt the case, can anyone help me?

Which WSL distro did you install?

How did you install Docker?

How did you install Portainer?

What's a specific example of a container that you can't access?

Why do you keep creating new usernames on this forum?

well I installed wsl by running wsl --install
I installed docker by downloading and installing docker desktop from here https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/
I installed portainer by following these steps Install Portainer CE with Docker on WSL / Docker Desktop | Portainer Documentation
An example of a container that I cant access is the fubo vlc bridge container, when I install it through the cmd I can access it but when I install it through portainer because I have more than one fubo source that I want to use I cannot access it but again it applies for every container that I install in portainer

Im sorry about creating new user names I just really needed the help

When you install multiple versions of the same container there are a number of values you need to change. Are the projects you're trying to spin-up through Portainer deploying without error? Can you post a Portainer screenshot the shows the vlc-bridge-fubo container running?

When I did it on ubuntu with the same values it worked but with windows it doesnt I basically changed everything except the name of the image.

Though the Docker Composes posted here generally don't need to be modified, other than the env vars -- when you want to deploy multiple containers based on the same project you do. In the case of vlc-bridge-fubo, append a "2" to the container name:

For example:

version: '3.9'
    image: registry.gitlab.com/yankees4life/vlc-bridge-fubo:${TAG}
    container_name: vlc-bridge-fubo2
      - ${HOST_PORT}:7777 # Use the same port number the container is using, or optionally change it if the port is already in use on your host
      - vlc-bridge-fubo:/app/Config
    restart: unless-stopped
    name: ${HOST_VOLUME} # This project will store its data in /var/lib/docker/volumes/${HOST_VOLUME}. <project-name_config> is a good name choice.

  # Default Environment variables can be found below under stderr -- copy and paste into Portainer-Stacks Environment variables section in Advanced mode

And sample env vars, with HOST_PORT and HOST_VOLUME modified:


Also, if you could scroll this list of containers over so I can see all the way to the right and post that screenshot.