I recently moved over to sling TV & i am not seeing the ABC network for tv everywhere. I can log in on the ABC website with my credentials but i dont see it when seting up sling on CDVR. Has anyone wlae had this problem?
Did you check the TVE local thing on in the settings?
I did re scan & all i see are a few abc news channels.
Look under Settings/Advanced and click Local Networks via TV Everywhere and rescan
Ok i will try that when i get home. Thank you.
I did & i am getting the fox network. I do believe one time going back i had an issue with not getting a network channel i think i did the uncheck, restart & rescan.
Can you watch live ABC on the website?
So something is very buggy. I did a re scan and recheck t v everywhere, and I got a b c network but when I want to play a b c or fox five on channels, d v r it wouldn't play. All the other channels play, just not those two the network channels. So when I scared in the settings, it told me those two channels were not authorized fox five & abc. So I deleted sling t v from channels d v r and reloaded it, and i only got fox five but it worked. After deleting that and reloading sling again, I got AB. C and fox five, now it won't play. It seems like only when it scans fox five, it plays, but if I have a b c n fox five, those two channels don't play. I can go on the browser on a b.C and fox five and I can use sling tv credentials, log in and watch tv. So i'm not sure what's wrong.
When you toggle the local channels option and it scans ABC, you say it won't play.
What error does it show in the DVR log when you try to play ABC?
Not authorized is the error when i checked the log. So if channels only scans fox network, i can stream the channel. If channels scans bith fox & abc, both channels dont play & the error is.nit authroized. I can log onto the.fox & abc websites with my sljng tv credentials & watch tv. Very strange.
Instead of re-adding the entire sling source have you tried just rescanning the individual channel? ie after fox works go scan just the abc channel.
So i hit the scan button for fox & it works now. I hit the scan button for abc & it says sling does not peovide tve access to wabc. Heres the thing, i went on the abc website & was able to log on with sling credentials.
I just logged into the a b c website right now.With my slink t v credentials, and i'm watching my local, a b c affiliate channel seven. Sling works it supports t v everywhere.
You could try submitting diagnostics from the dvr troubleshooting tab and email channels support for help.
Ok. Ill do that. Hopefully its something they can fix.
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