Request new features for Channels DVR
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In the show description the last line is; date season and episode - it is very faint type style - can barely read it - any way to make to bolder? Thanks
I love your Channels product!
Would it be possible to get for the server and Firestick app at least:
A filter or screen to show recordings that failed or were interrupted. I see the new "interrupted" red icon. How can I show All of (and Only) the failures?
A "re-record on next airing" option?--so after reviewing the failed items we can decide if we want to trash our recording and have it smartly find when it airs again and rerecord it
A scroll down by page option for Firestick for the guide and movie/shows lists? Would come in super handy.
Thank you!
Also how do I determine which Season Pass recordings will NOT get recorded due to higher priority Season Passes using up all of my tuners?
Is there a way to check in settings to know if Channels sees all 3 of my HdHomerun tuners or just 2 of them?
Hello, love the product, new subscriber using Apple TV's. Coming from TiVo's and having trouble training the family to shut off a show streaming from DVR. Thought I would put in my vote for some type of control. I posted here as wasn't sure if client/DVR feature.
Thank you!
Could we get the Time remaining to also include end time?
(For example: 1:45/1:00.......................................Remaining: .45 minutes
END TIME: 5:00 pm