Access remote HD Homerun

I have channels dvr (paid subscription) running and I am needing to access a remote HD homerun tuner in the same town but at a location that has a better reception of the local channels via a larger tv antenna. I have setup the routers to access the feed and can access it via a vlc but when I setup the channels dvr server to access it it will time out. I can see in the HD homerun logs that it was access (20221101-19:15:08 Tuner: tuner2 http stream ended (remote closed)) its a timeout issue....
Am I doing something wrong or is channels dvr not suppose to ever work this way?



HDHR is not able to stream over the internet reliably. It will detect multiple hops and stop sending video data.


ugh, ok.

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Is there a way to connect to plex that is streaming vie the hd homerun and pull the locals in that way?

You could run a second channels dvr at that location and then add it to your home dvr via m3u custom source. Depending of internet speeds of course

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that could work, care to share how?

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Would that be like: http://yourip:8089/devices/ANY/channels.m3u?format=ts

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How would that work when you have to login to the remote server to be able to get the m3u ? I do not think Channels DVR is that open that simply supplying the M3U is enough.

You would need a vpn. Or you would have to make the remote server your main server which would be not ideal if you watch remote, you won’t see recordings from your home server

Or pay another subscription and use session id m3u


I assumed he’s already set up a vpn on his router

I’m not saying this is ideal at all as I would go the second subscription route if I were in his shoes. I guess it depends on how bad he wants those channels

This will be a 2nd dvr with no remote access at my office but my office has like no reception for the local NBC station so that is why I was wanting to connect to my home dvr or home hdhomerun to get the local NBC station. I hardly ever use the remote access to the home channels DVR. I can get the ABC, FOX and CBS via the local tv anywhere access but not the NBC.

That makes it much easier then
Pull a cookie copy and paste in the url using your my.channels

Cookies expire every 30 days and you may need to remove format=ts. For slow internet

Or for just an hdhr channels use

Where 12345678 is hdhr Source id

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ok thank you, I will try this

On you office server your custom source will look like this

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Hmm, I keep getting: invalid source url: malformed M3U provided

I think he said to remove format=ts

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Make sure there is no space between = and the long cookie string. Sometimes when you paste in the cookie it adds a space that breaks it. Make sure you are not connected with a vpn or anything to your home network

You're going to have a better time across the internet to not use format=ts and use HLS. It will handle momentary disruptions and latency spikes better.

what would the link look like with HLS as an option? and having a specific channel of 5.1 selected?

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devices/ANY/channels.m3u?codec=copy should do the trick.