ADBTuner: A "channel tuning" application for networked Google TV / Android TV devices

Wow, that was it, after I switched it to that, it works. Now the fun part begins, trying to find the best quality settings :slight_smile: Thanks

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Have you updated ADBTuner in a while? That LinkPi redirect was fixed. It should look as follows in the logs as it follows the redirect:

httpx - HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"
httpx - HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"

I will do some testing with the Onn 4k device this weekend to see if I can duplicate this. I know it happens from time to time on all devices, but it shouldn't be a frequent thing. ADBTuner always reuses the same public key so the fingerprint should not change.

The NBC app is just always buggy. I wonder if there is an old version that can be side loaded that doesn't have this bug?

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Can't see to get USA East to load now. It's showing USA West. Was workign fine last night but today it's all hosed up.

This is my setting.

One of my 2 Onn 4k tuners was displaying the ADB Debug popup this morning (less than 24 hours after clearing them). When it went to tune with the other tuner it briefly showed the popup (on the encoder feed I was monitoring) before tuning the channel. Now both are showing the popup on the home screen. ADBTuner continues to tune with both Onn
4k's without issue. They both continue to display the popup when on the home screen.

At least on my units...They both continue to tune fine even with this popup so not really a huge issue...I will continue to monitor and let you know if they start to refuse to tune after days/weeks. Thanks for all the great work on this project. :+1:

Is anyone else having issues with the USA_EAST feed and it only showing USA_WEST?

There was some discussion of PBS live stream in this thread. You can't do it with ADBTuner, but there is now PBS app scripting for ah4c.

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Agreed, I use an ONN box and it works great with Wi-Fi, no issues whatsoever and no ADB permission pop-ups.

The NBC android app is definitely buggy, it will often crash on a live channel launch and I had to modify my script to try multiple times to get it to run. I also have a keepalive script that runs on a regular basis to make sure that the app is running when it is supposed to.

Has anyone figured out if there is a deeplink scheme for the LocalNow app?

Yeah, I haven't updated it since I got it working perfectly. I'm afraid if I update it, it will break it :slight_smile:

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I'm using the updated version and it works great.
I'm able to use Philo without compadibility mode. YTTV channels come up dast.
I'm not a current subscriber but they are so common and like to keep options open.

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This looks like output from an ah4c script. Are you sure you're posting in the right thread?

thank you, early morning

I see the same thing using adbtuner. I have to every so often check the outputs of the 4 boxes to see if one or more want to be reauthorized. I can't seem to find a pattern and I think I have all setup with the preferred settings.

I have 2 Mecool boxes on ethernet and a Chromecast and Onn4K on WiFi if that makes a difference. They all have lost ADB auth at one point or another.

Thankfully, ADBTuner seamlessly handles the failure case and switches over to the next available tuner so I've not lost a scheduled recording.

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Looks like an update to the NBC app has screwed up the video, when you tune a live channel it's somewhat dimmed and you see the NBC live and your profile icons at the top.

Sigh. Tried a few key combinations on the ONN tuner to try to get these to go away with no luck, if anyone else has ideas please chime in. This is the biggest problem with relying on POS network apps unfortunately.

It’s not just you. This was noticed a few weeks back (scroll up a bit). Definitely the app. We have not found a solution yet.

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Yeah I see that now, thanks didn't put two and two together when I was reading it. What's weird is that my ONN has been fine with NBC for many months now except for the usual crashes on startup, this dimming behavior just started today.

Might have something to do with me rebooting the ONN recently.

Those who are seeing frequent ADB approval popups, do you have any other programs (ex. ah4c) connecting to the same Android device?

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Did some testing today. Seems this is not specific to NBC App, but other Android Apps as well. What people have noticed is videos will start dim, then only return to full brightness after the SeekBar is touched. The SeekBar is the progress scrub bar at the bottom of the video.

Seems launching the NBC App via ADB brings up video puts video into a dimmed state as if the SeekBar was active. You can manually clear this by opening the live guide for a moment, then exiting. This brings the video back to normal brightness.

From this Reddit Thread, you can see it is not just NBC Apps, but by comments, many Android apps:

Since the NBC App does not have any Accessibility Options, I assume the next best step would be to (possibly) modify the Activity to set a SeekBar brightness to max. The link below has some ideas, but I'm not a programmer, so I will leave to you more experienced types.

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I don't use other programs like ah4c only ADBTuner. However it's funny you should mention this because I do use Remote ATV ( to click the reauth prompt on the android box. Lately I had thought about other apps that also talk ADB to the device and this was the only one I use. I typically keep this app open in the sidebar in case I need it and wondered if the device I have selected in the pulldown (in this case Onn4k) was also the one that happend to get the reauth popup.

This could totally be a red herring and I have no hard testing to prove that there is a relationship between this app and getting reauths on a particular ADB device. It is very intermittent. I just started to quit the app after I use it and not leave it running all of the time.