I spent some time looking at the NBC app this morning.
The actual deep links seen to be loading content correctly for me. Ex. nbctve://live/msnbc
loads MSNBC as expected. To anyone not seeing the content loading at all, are you using this url format?
As for the unusually dark content, this is a bug in the application itself and I wasn’t able to find any reasonable workarounds.
Deep linked content is loading behind the application’s user interface as if it was being displayed behind a menu (live guide) even though it isn’t. Remote inputs aren’t even being passed through to the video player while in this state. The only way to resolve this is to go through the live guide.
You might be able to work around the dark content issue by issuing some properly timed remote commands after the video starts playing to open and close the guide (up, right, right, center, back). This, however, would be better suited for ah4c.
I pushed a small update to ADBTuner today that just adds some extra logging around ADB connections. However, the most helpful information is going to be in the android logs which we can’t capture if we can’t connect via ADB.
If someone happens to catch an unexpected ADB approval prompt live and has the ability to run an ADB command, the output from the following would be helpful.
adb logcat | grep adbd