I have the URay encoder as a second tuner and I have audio sync issues, even after using the suggested settings. I have ordered two J-Tech HD enconders (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0761X6L3C/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) the first one is perfect, no sync issues, CPU is around 70% when encoding. On the second unit I purchased the CPU was constantly over 100% and the image stuttered.
I just bought the Exvist H265 video encoder and wanted to know if i neded some specific settings.
The tuner i'm using is an ONN 4k.
I have it all setup just want to make sure picture is good on my 55 In tv etc.
Any settings would be good to know.
Assistance appreciated.
Update on the non-launching on subsequent channels problem, it seems to have solved itself with a complete reinstall. It does persist with the FireTV 4K stick (2018), but given the giant warnings I'm ok with that
Now if only my encoder would arrive!
Mine took a bit to arrive.
So far so good.
I saw that encoder but went with the J-Tech instead . Could've saved a bunch with the Exvist too!
That one would've saved me even more! Tempting to go dual encoders now haha
I've seen quite a bit about the j-tech.
I would be tempted to add an additional ONN box if I had extra room and outlets.
I want to stay with ONN because they are cheap.
Now, I have my bedroom tv playing the stream without a problem.
When I go to the living room on the apple tv it seems to have a little issue playing through the channels app.
I'm guessing it is display settings or Wi-Fi connectivity.
I need to do more testing.
I chose to not spend a lot because the solution is only here to grab what isn't on TVE.
Interestingly Wal-Mart doesn't seem to sell the ONN here, or I would've done the same.
So far ADBTuner seems to be working very well (I'm using my HDHomerun as a test endpoint while I wait)!
ADBTuner has been working extremely well for me with a Uraytech encoder ($198 on Amazon) which can do 1080p60 - I purchased this encoder because, at the time, it was one of a few that were cited as working with HDMI for Channels and it does 60fps - the 4K version just downscales the image to 1080 anyways - with the "go" program and HDMI for channels solution, I had frequent A/V sync. issues and also had to repair recordings with incorrect lengths by doing a manual "fix video timestamps" afterwards -
With ADBTuner and a nightly re-boot at 4AM - all recordings have been clean - I've even changed the encoding settings from CBR to VBR and lowered the bitrate from 10000 to 8000 and it just works - one thing - I contacted URaytech and got the latest firmware for the encoder - the original firmware actually had a virus that got detected when I downloaded it - I am using an Onn TV 4K by the way via WiFi and I have never seen a glitch so haven't needed an OTG ethernet adapter
Now that more encoders have been tested, I might consider purchasing a 2nd less expensive model as long as someone can vouch for it and it has to do 1080p60 h.264 (h.265 optional)
Also, BTW, maintenance is a breeze running ADBTuner on Unraid, which has the capability to check for updates, inform me and update the docker (but I realize most of you don't have an Unraid server)
The only thing that I am wondering now is when will my YTTV channel URLs (links) expire?
Oh don't curse us If I have to go through trying to nail down the Fubo scheme again...
I have an odd issue with my encoder that i can't figure out.
When i watch the strema on my phone or smaller tv, it looks normal
If i go and watch on my 55 inch TV, I can play the stream through channels but it pixelates.
None of my other stuff does this.
What am I missing?
I do have an older AV receiver and my apple tv goes through my receiver so thinking it isn't giving the full benefit of my apple tv 4k
Almost tempted to pug in the apple tv direct to the Tv.
When it starts it buffers a little but unsure.
On the phone and in the bedroom it plays fine.
the mahine running ADB and encoder are hardwired on my network.
Low bitrate maybe? Might try playing with it a bit and see if anything changes.
I'm at a loss. I've added new channels from a different app, have entered the exact package that works from the adb command line, but the ADBTuner log says it's not installed.
Would the ADBTuner run the command like this:
./adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "sportsnet://watch/channel/snw?fullscreen" com.rogers.sportsnet.sportsnet/com.rogers.sportsnet.tv.ui.AppActivity
is the application's package name.
is specifying an app package and and explicit activity (essentially linking to a specific function).
Unfortunately, the Sportsnet app (com.rogers.sportsnet.sportsnet) doesn't support deep linked content and has no registered url schemes. So specifying sportsnet://
doesn't really do anything. This is why you have to specify an explicit action (com.rogers.sportsnet.tv.ui.AppActivity
) just to get the app to open.
At the moment, this is not supported by ADBTuner, but I will add some unsupported parsing of the package/action
syntax to make this work for you.
Edit: Just pushed an update that adds the parsing of the package/activity
syntax. Give it a shot when you have a chance and let me know if it worked.
THANK YOU, worked like a charm! You are in fact my hero haha!
Has anyone figured out how to get past the profile screens like for Paramount+ and Showtime. I can hear the content playing but the screen doesn't go away.
Hi there,
I'm trying to get the encoder diale din for my larger tv.
I have bitrate set to 4500
Frames 25
GOP is 50
I'm using an ONN 4k box
Looks great on my smaller tv but looks pixelated on bigger tv with apple tv.
I want to try to dial this in correctly before moving to a different encoder.
I set mine to 8000 and 60fps.
Just an FYI, if you are recording NBC family of networks via the NBC app, you may get a pop up over your recordings, asking you to watch the Women's World Cup. Check your recordings and rerecord if needed. Not sure how we can kill that without monitoring the feed. I noticed it because I started watching RAW after it went live and just used the Chromecast remote to select Maybe later.