HDMI for Channels

Currently running a JTECH-ENCH44 4k x 4 inputs, no issues whatever. So far I haven’t tested the 4k capabilities.


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ah, is the uRay 60fps?

It is at 1080P. I haven't found many 4k devices that do 60fps beyond the expensive Magewell capture cards. I am currently using 1080P and won't move to 4K until a lot more content is available.


As I understand it, the first (2) inputs are 4k. I just tested port 1 at 4k 60 fps.

My Uray unit will be 2 years old next month.

That's very interesting! According to the specs:

Max 3840X2160@30fps for Port 1 and 2; Max 1920X1080@60fps for Port 3 and 4

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Expanding my setup, so now I'm looking at 4-tuner models too, perhaps one of these?



I recall this note from @JT-DFW though, about a different model, which gave me pause.

So now I'm curious if these 4-tuner 4K models do the same downscaling to 1080?


Upon further review, I'm not sure about all the URay ones anymore - some claim to do 4K30 output - but I did see a lot of other branded ones that accept a 4K and only can encode to 1080p - I'm looking for a possible 2nd encoder for ADBTuner...

I guess I'd have to hook a firestick up to it and record part of a youtube video at 4k 60 to verify if it's actually doing it. The 1080p that I'm capturing at 60 fps looks pretty fine, even sports. The only time I've seen it really fall apart is fast panning across a dynamic ocean/wave scene. I have yet to find an on-the-fly encoder that can handle that well.

On the JTECH-ENCH44 4k x 4 inputs only the first 2 inputs support 4k. While receiving 1080p it can upscale to 4k @60FPS:

If I set the set the resolution to 4k@30 (max allowed) on the streaming device (CCwGTV) encoding goes to 4k@30.

More and more Magewell 4k pro capture cards are where its at for 4k but wow they are $$$$$! 4k up to 144FPS on one of the cards I recently was reading about.

And through all of this, I'm just trying to watch TV.

  • without commercials. :slight_smile:

Which model supports 4K over 30fps? Most I’ve found other than ones on Ali websites max out at 4k30.

Do magewell do hdcp aswell?

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I was looking at Pro Capture HDMI 4K - Magewell

  • Support for capture image resolutions up to 4096x2160 pixels
  • Support for capture frame rates up to 144fps (Actual capture frame rate can be limited by PCIe bandwidth & image resolution)

EDIT: nohdcp - not an issue at least on the 1080 cards!
EDIT2: by far my fav brand absolutely rock solid on linux!

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Oh yep.

An actually capture card, I was thinking a seperate encoder box.

Do they work pretty much the same as the encoder boxes?

I only have a Mac mini as my server so I can’t use these cards - kind of wish I got a proper pc for this reason.

I think HDfury have some devices for HDCP anyway.

Capture cards work for the most part the same when running on a PC. In the magewell case you get a /dev/videoX for each input. I have a sample env file for magewell in the repo (amongst others).

EDIT: mac minis are limited to breakout boxes and usb devices.

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In preparation of the release of 1.0 I have renamed the repo to GitHub - sullrich/ah4c

This is to differentiate the work done & I'll open a new thread soon as we get together the final details.

Exciting to finally have a stable replacement for TVE!


Stable yes, but relying on apps and all the stupid stuff they do is going to be a whack-a-mole game. But it's all we have as TVE slowly craps out.

Different onn TV devices?

Hey all, I just went to purchase a second onn TV stick (still waiting for the first) and I noticed that there are two different devices on Amazon.

This one:
and this one:

Is the second one a knockoff? Is there a way I can tell when I get them?

No, it's just a rebranding from AndroidTV to GoogleTV. They're functionally identical.

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