ADBTuner: A "channel tuning" application for networked Google TV / Android TV devices

I found the big culprit for me was the h264 profile used. Some clients didn’t like “high” profile, but “main” worked without buffering. I’m otherwise using these settings in both my uRaycoders:

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There is no fix for this right now in ADBTuner, but eventually there will be something in place to catch things like this and close the stream. Releasing the tuner lock won't stop the recording.

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Thanks ... looks like you are already aware of the problem ...
Good to know so the only Option I have is to release tuner lock and restart the DVR Server (to stop the Recording)

Trying to finish getting this set up. Running it on a container in Unraid, static IP, custom bridge just link most all the rest of mine. I have an iSeevy HDMI encoder with a Tivo Stream 4K plugged in, and if i use the http://x.x.x.x/0.ts in VLC I can see the TS4K streamed image (x.x.x.x being the encoder IP).

In ADBTuner I added a tuner with name, x.x.x.x and http://x.x.x.x/0.ts entries. I have green Connection established, red Android Connection Failed, and gray Available bubbles in the tuner area after adding it. USB Debugging is enabled, but I never saw any sort of authorization prompt, either.

Any idea what else I need to do?

Make sure your device is not connected via ADB to another PC.

Got it. I realized when adding the tuner, it should be name, the TS4K address, and then the http://x.x.x.x/0.ts with the IP of the encoder. Didn't get an authorization prompt but updating that got me to bubbles that are green Endpoint Connection Successful and green Android 10 as well as the gray Available. Getting close!

if you make any change to that encoder always do a reboot.
]The thing has been challenging.

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Have you had any problems with Fubo and the who's watching prompt?


Just had one last night. Lost a couple of recordings :frowning: It's so disappointing, as it works just fine otherwise.

I'm now trying to figure out the RiverTV URL scheme instead. (if anyone has any general tips for reversing deep links I'm all ears haha!)

It seems like as long as the app stays open, it works.
If I switch to a channel on Hulu, the next time it launces Fubo, I get the who's watching prompt.

Spoke too soon. I got one the next morning.
If there was some way to send a Select Button click, that would fix it.

I hate to say it but if you switch back to the original HDMI encoder exe and scripts you can do whatever you want, that's what I did.

You can figure out what works and send it with specific adb commands per provider in the tune scripts, in other words.

Unfortunately that single button click opens a whole can of worms as it could pause the video, select another program, etc. if the “who’s watching” dialog isn’t on screen.

Outside of analyzing video frames looking for some specific text or hoping Fubo writes something to the logs when the profile screen is loaded I don’t think there is a good way to know this for sure.

You could probably get something working via a series of timed commands (ex. open app, wait X seconds, send select button click, wait X seconds, send am start command) but that’s out of scope for ADBTuner. HDMI for Channels would be a better choice for apps that don’t provide the ability to non-interactively load deep linked content.

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Copy that...
I'm actually pretty sick of the fragmented nature of live TV, not to mention the high cost.
I could switch to another source, but then I would lose Regional Sports. As I see it, the only reason for live TV is Sports and possibly news. I have thought about going to TDS (my internet provider) No idea if that would work with this though.

Thanks for all the effort on this project!

Agreed. Having to go to these levels to watch content you paid for the way you want is insane.

I've been fighting the good fight for a long time going back to the TiVo HD (the first mainstream CableCARD DVR). Back then it was multiple "truck rolls" and many hours on the phone to get things working because even though they were required by law to support the CableCARDs, nobody at the Cable CO was trained on it.

I used a HDHomeRun Prime with Channels for years (worked great, best Channels experience), but ended up bailing because my cable provider decided they were going to start over-compressing all of their TV content to the point where it looks worse than the streaming versions. A premium price, but not a premium product. No thanks.

My local RSN (NBC) has indicated they are going to start selling access to RSN content via Peacock by the end of this year. If this happens, and the price isn't insane, I will probably just use that along with my OTA antenna and get rid of everything else.

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I probably should use HDMI4Channels, but ADBTuner just works so well otherwise it's hard to give up (thanks @turtletank !).

For now I'm limping along with Fubo (found more recordings with the who's watching screen), until I can figure out another services scheme.

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Yeah, unfortunately that forced “who’s watching” screen makes Fubo a bad choice for any sort of automation.

@turtletank you might be able to detect these popups by inspecting the dumpsys_mediasession. If you do not see state=PlaybackState {state=3 after tuning in resend the intent.

Thanks for the tip. Yeah I’m already using that to detect when the video stream starts.

Unless I give up on waiting to return a response until the video stream starts I’m limited to ~20 seconds to “tune” a channel and that doesn’t leave room for retries. I’m also hesitant to blindly click “select” in hopes it clears a profile screen.

Side note: I have found that checking that the playback speed is 1.0 is helpful as some apps don’t close their media session when they are done.

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Figured you probably knew about it, but wanted to make sure. In my case it defeats the "Who's watching?" Hulu popup that commonly pops up even though I only have one profile defined.

I've been using Hulu and Philo without an issue.
My only minor issue at this point is that Philo always starts from the beginning regardless of what i set.
the Android player is set to start at current live point.
I will get the second encoder and player going here shortly. I'm using the sam eone just to make life easy.
The ADB Tuner has really helped here.