ADBTuner: A "channel tuning" application for networked Google TV / Android TV devices

Also worth mentioning, this app works great on M1 Macs too. That was unexpected, but I'm finding it very convenient since most of my CDVR setup and troubleshooting happens from a MacBook Pro.

Just loaded this app on my M2 Mac. I can now put away the pile of remotes on my desk and just use this app. Yea!

If you have AppleTV's be sure to add this one to your toolkit as well. I feel like not enough people know about it: GitHub - bsharper/atv-desktop-remote: A simple app to allow you to control an Apple TV from your desktop

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Fire TV 4K Max (what a mouthful haha)

I should add: Willing to switch if it means working Fubo!

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Awesome. I was wondering about that, and meant to try it. Could be handy if there's ever time when you're away from home and there's a pop-up that needs to be dismissed, which seems to happen every once in a great while. I can remote into my Mac, and could try doing it via the remote app.

I'm not home right now. I just tried Fubo and it's working perfectly. Then I tried Hulu and it took three runs at it before it hooked up.

I'm using 4k Chromecast units.

I haven't seen the who's watching prompt on Fubo since the patch.

Does the "Allow USB Debugging" show up after every update?

Hi there,
Noticed that my Hulu took a bit to connect with it eventually erroring out.
I got out of the channel on channels and selected the channel again and all worked.
I know the apps in question are quite busy.
Philo has been very stable.

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My new j-tech seems to heat up. Does your original j-tech have the heat issue?
I upgraded the firmware and plan to do some playing.
I'm planning to contact support to see what can be done.
My Ex-vist encoder runs nice and cool and works as expected.
I'm using the same ONN boxes for both encoders.
I'm hoping to get the j-tech issues resolved so i don't have to buy an additional Ex-vist encoder.
I'm hoping to get my setup working well enough to take the load if stuff gets dropped off TVEj.

I'm also interested in getting another encoder and am seeing occasional A/V sync issues with the URaycoder ($198 h265/h264/60fps model) - I've been trying to change the encoder settings to see if there is a combination that doesn't exhibit the problem, but it eventually comes up - when it does, re-booting the encoder fixes the problem - I am doing a nightly re-boot and am currently trying 16kbit/h.264/main profile/CBR-1 to see if the A/V sync issue comes up - so would you recommend either the Ex-vist or J-Tech encoders? Anyone else seeing A/V sync issues with the URaycoder?

I have two Uraycoders and haven't seen any A/V sync issues . . . but I also can only recall watching one thing that was lengthy yet, and that was a recorded movie. Often I watch a few innings of a baseball game.

I have one channel (local CW affiliate) where the audio is always out of sync with the video, but if I switch over to the YouTube TV app, I have the same issue with that channel, so I'm pretty sure it has zero to do with ADBTuner or my devices.

@Anvil_DVR @rpaulmerrell
I tried, but could not duplicate the Hulu issue. Can you provide docker logs from when it happened? Or watch the tuning process via VLC to see what's happening on the Android device. Please update to the current version of ADBTuner as well (updated 08/11).

I noticed on a FireTV Stick that the Hulu app will sometimes freeze the first time it's loaded after a reboot but I'm not sure if that's what you are running into. I don't see this on the Chromecast 4k or Onn devices.

@rpaulmerrell When I was using the JTech device I disabled all of the streams I wasn't using and ran it at 720p60. This brought the cpu load down to ~25% which made it run cooler and with reduced latency.

I'm currently using two "LinkPi ENC1v2" devices and don't have any complaints, but it is just another cheap thing that probably has its own issues I just haven't discovered yet lol.

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I've had a lot going on lately. When this happened I was watching with VLC and the Hulu app launched and just sat at the home page. I will try and find some time this weekend and investigate further. Prior to the Fubo fix, Hulu worked perfect. Now Fubo works perfect. So I think it's related.

I'll try and get you logs in the next day or so.


No audio-sync (or other) issues here either with URayCoders. I have two, one single port and one four port, both on the latest firmware. Haven't ever tried 16000kbps though.

No Issues with URaycoder since it only does Stereo, I set my Input device to Stereo.

I ended up returning the two J-Techs and the URay and purchased a JTECH-ENCH44, so far I have not seen any heat issues on any of the J-Techs I have tried.

How do you run this command if you are already running the container?

You include the command when you do the initial pull.
Otherwise, I'm not a docker expert. There may be another way.

This post contains the answer to so many docker questions I had. Add Portainer. it makes everything about docker updating and maintenance so much easier: ADBTuner: A "channel tuning" application for networked Google TV / Android TV devices - #231 by bnhf

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What would be the url for instance, Peacock then selecting WWE and then clicking on the first item?
I tried peacock://wwe/ and it didn't work. Which I don't know what the command would be for selecting the first thing.

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