ADBTuner: A "channel tuning" application for networked Google TV / Android TV devices

I changed ADBTuner to Network Type = Bridge, but I discovered I had to manually add a port mapping of port 5592 to port 5592, otherwise ADBTuner doesn't work - dumb question - why does ADBTuner now indicate the mapping as, whereas all the other dockers of type bridge indicate addresses like

Adding the port "manually" is a standard docker requirement, whether you're translating a docker command line or docker compose to the Unraid WebUI:

docker run -d --init -p 5592:5592 --name adbtuner -v adbtuner_config:/app/.config turtletank99/adbtuner


version: '2'
    image: turtletank99/adbtuner
    restart: always
    init: true
      - adbtuner_config:/app/.config
      - "5592:5592"

both specify the port. Bridge networking is the default, so if you don't see "host" in your reference material -- assume bridge.

As far as the IP mapping you're talking about, I suspect that means @turtletank has his application setup to NOT listen on all interfaces (, but rather just the container's IP ( which is then mapped to the host's IP ( Some guesswork here, as I don't know the actual subnets you're using, or the internals of ADBTuner.

Thanks so much. Those settings helped me to get it working!
When I imported the ADBTuner Docker profile to Unraid using CA plugin, it added all these additional container variables. Some of those must have been causing the problem.
After removing the extra ones and only using the ones included in your screenshot, the container and application worked.
Much obliged.

I recreated the docker in Portainer. Is there a way to tell if I’m on the version with the Fubo workaround?

Go to Docker hub and hover over where it says "Pushed" for the container in question, and compare it to the "Created" column in Portainer-Images:

If both are "latest" and your created date is after the last push date, you have the most current image.

Docker Hub is likey using PDT, whereas I'm MDT (so if the difference is less than the margin of possible TZ differences, you might want to pull a new image :slight_smile:)

I don't know if anyone has checked their J-tech firmware but I got one with v2.89
The most recent version is 3.10
I'm hoping I can get the encoder to behave.
The Ex-vist encoder is much more user-friendly. Great match for channels.
ADB Tuner has been great. I did the update through the container manager on Synology.

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Perfect, thanks so much!! I'm MDT too funny enough.

I updated my J Tech to 3.10, but I did it right away so I have no frame of reference on if anything is improved. I can say that 1080p60 is a no go with the J Tech, it pegs the CPU into the 90s and the audio becomes garbled.

Looking forward to getting my Exist encoder in to play with!

We’re you able to control the Chromecast 4K outside your network? Like using a VPN.

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I've never tried that, nor had a need for it. Does it not work? [shrug]

There is a few times where I need to record a pay per view and away from my home and need to remote in an manually play from Peacock or FITE.TV app. Just was curious if there was a way. Currently I am doing it with my Apple TV and the SwitchBot.

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I don't have a VPN setup on for my home network, otherwise I'd test for you over T-Mobile 5G.
But I can't imagine it wouldn't work? The apps are all pretty similar, in that they auto-discover and connect via IP address (although you can manually add one too) using AndroidTV's API for this, it's pretty straghtforward. Most of these apps are free and fully functional, paid just removes ads or includes some "premium" features I didn't need. So it can't hurt to test it yourself. I'm curious to hear the results too. That would be a cool upgrade from the SwitchBot method.

I have VPn setup on my Synology.
Between ADB Tuner and all the dockers plus TVE i have quite. channel collection.
I'm going to try at some point to get another Ex vist encoder if i can't get j-tech to behave.
Thankfully they have email support.
Ex Vist runs a lot cooler.

thanks to all for your input and help.

I'm having an issue where the first tuner works fine. The second one does not. If I use VLC to watch the stream, the 2nd tuner launches YouTube TV, then YTTV closes, and the process starts over again...and then continues in the same cycle until I press stop in Channels.

If I launch YTTV manually it works fine. Both tuners that I am using have URayCoder Encoders, and are using Google Chromecasts as the device.

Also important to note that they both used to work just fine. Not sure what is up.

Anyone have ideas where to start troubleshooting?

Just had an issue where USA East would no longer Tune. Had to go in and delete the channel in ADBTuner and re-add it. Just in case anyone else experiences the issue.

Are you guys both on YTTV?
I'm using Hulu for both tuning isn't a problem.

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Unfortunately it doesn’t see like the fubo fix worked :frowning:

I happened to have a who’s watching screen tonight when I went to watch live, and it never clicked OK on the default for me. I don’t see anything in the logs related to it. I love that you’re working on it though!

I haven’t tried outside the home. And i’m using a Fire Cube, a Fire Stick 4K Max, and a Walmart onn device.

Fubo is working fine with this fix.
Hulu seems to be partially broken.
It sometimes takes a couple of runs at it to get the channel to open. After the initial problem, it seems to work normally again.. So, I'm not sure what is going on there.

I am trialing TDS TV+ (fiber) which uses an android Tivo app.
Any chance that will work with ADB?

TVE with TDS has been a problem without a solution, some of the channels will not authenticate.
TDS has amazing picture and sound quality, of course its not cheap. definitely a premium service.

Thanks again.

I apologize if you said this already in this thread, but what Android device are you using?

Any chance you can share the Docker container logs from when this happened?

It's hard to say. The TDS+ app is a rebadged version of the TiVo Android app which in itself is an app that loads content from other sources.

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