Interesting, I see all of mine when I try to create a collection, so there's a bug somewhere!
You probably did this already, but double check that you have the correct package name for the Chromecast version of each app in either the Package Name or Alternate Package Name fields for each "channel." If you don't, that might explain the app not launching at all.
I have found the Chromecast with Google TV devices to be reliable and they are faster than most of the Fire Sticks.
It all depends on if you have XFINITY Stream then with the Googles you are SOL. As far as speed the FireTV 4KMAX is as fast as any Google TV.... bottom line whatever is useful in your use cases.
Exactly! It's a bit silly to be comparing the speed of older model FireSticks to the latest Chromecast 4K devices.
The Fire TV Stick 4K Max has pretty much the same CPU performance as the Chromecast with Google TV 4K. All of the older Fire TV Sticks are noticeably slower.
The 3rd generation Fire TV Cube (current version) is the fastest mainstream* Android TV device you can buy.
*mainstream meaning the mecools and other generic android devices are excluded.
I setup 2 Dockers which is working great ... One for XFINITY Stream (Fire4KMax) and the other for my Homeruns (Google units) working great .... Thanks Again.
I just pushed (08/19) a small update with some fixes for the experimental HDHomeRun app support.
It should fix the tuning issues that were reported here over the past couple of days.
If you are using this feature, please update when you have a chance and let me know if you run into any additional issues. Thanks!
I will do it later have recordings going right now.
The configuration is stored in the linked docker volume.
This is the -v adbtuner_config:/app/.config
portion of the command line used to start the containers. As long as you don't delete the volume, your configuration will remain intact. You have to explicitly delete volumes so it's unlikely you would do it by mistake.
It might be helpful to export the channel list(s) via the ADBTuner web interface(s) and take screenshots of the tuner config. This way, in the worst case scenario you just have to import the channels and add the tuners again which wouldn't take long.
And yeah no rush on this at all. I appreciate your feedback.
I just tried it, and it is tuning both lower channels that were previously un tunable to me, 3 and 5. tnx
Yeah I figured all that after I Posted dealing with this guide has my head spinning ... I did take Screenshots.
So would the bug be in channels, or in ADBTuner? As far as I can tell the problem is only when trying to trying to create or edit channel collections. If I got in the Live TV and On Now, and select the ADBTuner I see all of them, with their guide info and everything, so it's definitely being populated properly in the database. Once I get my chromecast I will redo the entire ADBTuner and maybe it will fix itself.
Here's how I have them set, I think that's right. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it that I can see, I've set the timeout adb commands.
As for the speed, I was comparing a 4K Max to the Chromecast. Again, could be my imagination.
I actually have run into this before and my fix was deleting and recreating the channel collection.
I think the blame for this is part ADBTuner, part Channels DVR. It seems that the channels within a channel connection are permanently linked to the unique IDs assigned to them when the collection is created. With m3u sources like ADBTuner the channel IDs are not necessarily unique, and as such, Channels DVR thinks some channels are already in the collection when they aren't so they can't be added. Some also get stuck with the wrong guide data.
I will be making a change to ADBTuner to switch to unique, generated IDs for each channel instead of just using the primary key in the ADBTuner database. This will help, but would still be a problem if people edit ADBTuner channels into other channels. That I can't fix on my end.
Yeah, that config should work. When you have a chance, no rush, if you can get me some docker logs for times when the app didn't open at all I can look into it further.
Will do, appreciate it!
I pushed a small update this morning (08/20) that uses unique ids (uuids) for each channel in the generated m3u file instead of ids unique to that instance of ADBTuner. This should help minimize issues with Channel Collections in Channels DVR when running multiple instances of ADBTuner, or after performing a "fresh install" of ADBTuner.
To avoid breaking any existing configurations, these unique ids are only included in newly added or newly imported channels. If everything is working fine there is nothing you need to do with this.
If you are having issues with Channel Collections, deleting and re-adding your channels in the ADBTuner web interface may help. As a shortcut, you can export your channel list using the export feature, delete each channel in the web interface, and then import that channel list. This will add the unique ids and save you some time with data entry.
I had a problem adding 1 Channel to Collections going to delete and re-import channels. Tuning Channel 5 and all others is working.
It worked with deleting and re-importing channels .. once again Thanks.
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="228577513689582972098595939925768217734" channel-number="851",HBOHDP
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="88479322028050345769194373549943849462" channel-number="853",HBO2PHD
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="18427420548973638072828429498000848068" channel-number="855",HBOSPHD
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="236111455560840820393078194808370583613" channel-number="876",SHOWHDP
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="22102366572890653036457822402198983469" channel-number="878",SHO2PHD
I am getting hits and misses on the HDHomerun tuner ..... I see you added a pause and that seems to be causing problems.
Ok. The pause was the fix to your other issue. It should unpause if necessary, but it never got to that point because channel 851 was never selected. If you use the app directly and search for 851, does it work as expected?
What is that recording indicator in playback bar? Is that from the HDHomeRun DVR? A long shot, but can you check if your misses are all when tuning away from a channel (in the HDHomeRun app) that is being recorded?