ADBTuner: A "channel tuning" application for networked Google TV / Android TV devices

Has anyone setup Paramount + Can't seem to figure out how to bypass the splash screen and or profile page. Showtime is live and would be nice to add in ADBTuner. I was able to link showtime anytime but the video quality is horrible. Image is too soft.

Do you have the correct URL for your HDMI encoder stream configured? If you paste it into VLC (file -> open network) does it display the Android UI in VLC?

Edit: Just pushed an updated build that handles this situation gracefully. It's definitely failing to connect to your HDMI streamer.


I took a quick look and was unsuccessful. The following gets me to Live TV, but no matter what URL I tried it always just played the first live channel (my local CBS).

Maybe you might have better luck though. This was on a Chromecast, the application's package name might be different on FireTV.

Think maybe we should make a separate thread for figuring out things like this? It's related, but also something that would be beneficial to some of the other projects?

Hi there,
Just browsed the log and looks like things are working with the latest build but I can't use my Firestick.
The system has Android 7.
I've got this new Walmart On box that I will work on putting online. I looked over the system and saw that it stopped the stream and closed the connection.
I appreciate the new build.

This solution, and the original, both require an HDMI-IP encoding device, correct? Just making sure, as I have several available Tivo Stream 4K and CCGTV devices right now - just don't want to buy something I don't need. If I do in fact need one, what are the current recommendations on devices that are most economical and manageable for these solutions?


There was talk on the HDMI Channels thread about how to set up Weatherscan just like in the Chrome Capture thread. Any idea what the package name and component would be here to use the default Fire Stick browser?


I was thinking of picking up this device to use with Channels and the project.
The box would be right noext to the access point so no problem there.
I wanted to consider this as an idea.
if anyone else has some suggests, i would love to hear.



I have this one which I think the same as the encoder you are looking at except that it does not have the WiFi module. It's cheaper.

If you can load developer Tools menu loader, you can enable what is called system Ex-ray on the device.
Now, launch Silk.
You will see the needed package information.
When you are done, go back into developer tools shortcut to disable X-ray mode.


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The following will load Weatherscan in the Silk Browser on a FireTV device, but it won't go into fullscreen so you will be stuck with an address bar. Maybe there is another installable browser that can be configured to default to fullscreen?

    "provider_name": "Web",
    "number": 20000,
    "name": "Weatherscan",
    "url": "",
    "package_name": "",
    "alternate_package_name": "",
    "component": "",
    "compatibility_mode": true,
    "tvc_guide_stationid": ""

I don't really intend to support the loading of webpages via ADBTuner, but if it can be done in the same way media is loaded that could be a nice bonus.


Thanks! I got it working, but as I think about it more, I think I'll use Chrome Capture for Weatherscan, so as not to affect the load times for YouTube TV channels. I also started getting some weird behavior right after viewing Weatherscan, where channels would load on the encoder (I could see them if checking in VLC), but not pass through to the Channels client, which would eventually time out. That could be completely unrelated, though, and just coincidence. I rebooted everything (Channels, ADBTuner, my encoders, and both Fire devices) and all is back to normal.

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Complete (standard US-East) YoutubeTV .json for import into ADBTuner. With guide numbers.

I have exported a .json of all the standard YoutubeTV channels for everyone with a YoutubeTV subscription to share. About 100 channels. Many of these are also available via TVE. Please be aware that the links will be East Coast when applicable. Also I excluded locals like ABC, NBC, FOX because they are geoblocked and would not be useable by most people here. Also I do not subscribe to any additional YoutubeTV packages like Starz and Sports and whatnot so those are not included.

TIP: My channel number scheme starts in the 3000s. This can be easily changed by using a text editor and doing a search/replace for "3: and replace with a starting point you like. For example replacing ":3 with ":42 will mean that channel 3121 will become 42121.


Ya'll making me go broke. I just got a new mini M2 and now this to play around with. Oh what fun I will have!!!
Anyone know if I will be able to get the USA EAST feed via Hulu if my zip is set to San Diego, CA?

What is the streaming endpoint? Would that be like a h.264 encoder box? If so, what protocals are supported? Does it have to be http, or can it be rtsp?


As far as I can gather this Philo URL is for the show and not for the channel itself

Thank you for putting this together. Especially with the Gracenote station IDs. This will be a big help!

@hiperwall Yes, this would most commonly be used with a encoder box like you describe. At the moment ADBTuner only supports HTTP/MPEGTS.

@joagomez In my experience, the Philo URLs that contain /player/player/channel/ are for a specific channel. The Philo URLs that contain /player/player/broadcast/ are for specific shows.

I posted a update over the weekend that adds some status indicators for each "tuner component."

If any of your devices are running an Android version lower than 9 you will also now see a warning in the web interface. Those devices will work, but it will require enabling "compatibility mode" for all of the channels which will result in slower tuning time and other downgrades.

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@turtletank: I am really enjoying the status indicators you added to the latest version, thank you!

Awesome. thanks. I have a few I can play around with.

Just so I am clear, I have a Chromecast/GoogleTV(newest one) and it all set up. I have the ADBTUner set up on my Unraid. What else do I need? Links? I guess I thought this was all I needed but it doesn't seem to be that way.


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Well, my encoder and chromecast 4k showed up today.

I'm stuck on the Channel "Component" Field.
How are you deriving this information?
For example Fubo?
